Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guidance of the Lord

So, let me ask you this: How good do you think the Lord is at guiding you? I mean, really, is it pretty good? flawless? or kind of hit-and-miss?

Why am I asking? Are you offended by the question? Well, let me explain...

I talked yesterday with a good friend, and our conversation turned toward the very topic about which I'm writing today. Then, less than 4 hours later, I heard a teaching that included the exact same ideas my friend & I had been discussing. Our conversation had already stimulated me, and started my wheels turning... but when a key concept (or verse) comes up multiple times in close succession like that, I tend to think it might just be God wanting to make sure He got my attention.

So, let me get to the point. The pastor speaking last night posed the question this way: Which do you trust more? Your ability to hear God, or His ability to lead you, even when you're deaf and blind?

Not sure exactly what that means?

Well, my friend & I were discussing in this context. I think it's a reasonable statement to say that Satan does not want us to be effectively working toward Kingdom purposes. He doesn't want us walking in victory over our strongholds, and he most certainly does NOT want us living as witnesses to God's kindness, faithfulness, mercy and grace. In short order, he wants to keep us from bringing glory to God. He wants us frozen in fear, mired in confusion and/or ineffective in whatever way he can get.

This may not be true for your life, but I know that in my life, I find a great "in" for the lies of the enemy is through something that, on its face, appears to be obedient or rightly motivated, but when I look beneath the surface, some of those things are really rooted in the psychology of the world, and ultimately, founded on a fearful ground. (More on motivations tomorrow, I think... for now, I'm going to try to stay focused....)

One such in is my desire to hear God's word and live His will out in my life. I pray diligently for His will to be done, and His kingdom to come in me, through me and with my help. I want to be involved in what He is doing, and pursuing the things He prioritizes for my life. I really do. And those desires are good and right and pure.

However, sometimes, I can get so caught up in trying to hear that I find myself a little frozen, or stuck. Rather than stepping out on faith, I am sitting still as a stone, waiting to be certain I know what He wants me to do. Now, I certainly do not mean to come out against waiting for ultimate knowing and confirmation from the Lord. Absolutely not.

What I do mean to say, however, is that there may be times in our lives when we work against the purposes of God simply because we don't really trust Him to be able to guide us. Instead of stepping out in the direction we think is best, and putting ourselves 100% into His plan, we stall. And why? Well, I know that, for me, the answer is often that I don't want to do the wrong thing! I want to do what He desires me to do!

But, let me ask this... if my heart is true, and my intention truly to follow His will, if I step out - even before I completely understand the entire plan - is that foolishness? Or is it stepping out in faith?

Please know that I don't pose these questions thinking that there is a simple answer, or an answer that applies across the board. I mean only to suggest that there are questions that I know I need to keep in mind. The potential answers are things that have derailed me before.

So, back to the question my pastor posed. Which do I trust more? My ability to hear (i.e. I refuse to do the thing I *think* is okay, because I haven't yet heard Him give me the full explanation?) or do I trust His ability to keep me on the right path? Do I trust His ability to guide my steps even more than my perfectly good desire to hear confirmation from Him.

I think there is much more discussion and thought to be put into these ideas. I suspect they'll resurface here soon. For now, however, I think it is good to consider what motivates our waiting: a desire to do things His way, or a desire to hear about His way in my way? And, last of all, a reminder: His way is often not comfortable! I do wonder how my own desire for comfort plays into this whole idea... food for thought!

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
Psalms 31:3 (NIV)

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