Monday, August 31, 2009

On the Move

So, I wrote yesterday about something I believe is a specific word for those of us reading (and writing!) this blog:

"The Spirit is on the move."

I pray that you heard Him speak to you in that word. I believe His word was coming your way.

For me, this is, in part, a word about believing. And, in part, a word about surrender to His timing.

More than anything else, in the last 24 hours, it's proven to be exciting encouragement from the Lord! I have two situations for myself, personally, to which I think this is meant to be applied for me, and what I am remembering mostly is the sovereignty and supreme love of God. His Spirit is at work, active. So, why would I worry? Why would I fret? Why would I try to work so hard on making something happen or not happen or happen in a certain way? The SPIRIT is on the move!

For me, as it turns out, this is about letting go. So I'm letting go. Join me?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something to Say

Sitting in worship today, I got the inspiration I'd been praying for today. Some days are easier than others when it comes to finding topics for my writing here; I don't want this to be a place where I write about the things I think are worth addressing. I want to write about His topics. Lately, it's felt a little dry for me; so, I've been praying.

And today, we have a topic given, I believe, by God. I'm tempted to put this out there, just as He spoke it, and then let it be complete in that. I don't think that's what's intended, but it may be enough in and of itself to compromise a complete message on its own.

So, is that enough build up for you? Okay, here it is:

The Spirit is on the move.

I'm going to keep my commentary on this topic short for today, and pick it up again tomorrow... but until then, I want to just encourage you to let that sink in.

The Spirit is on the move.

In you. In your life. In the hearts of those you love. He is doing something.

And I don't mean all this in generic "God's always doing something" kind of way. I believe whole-heartedly that this is a word for someone who is reading this. I think it was for me, and I hope it is for you too. Isn't it great that God isn't limited and can speak to ALL of us at the same time? All with 6 simple words. But, please, stop. Listen. Close your eyes and open your heart. He is talking to you.

The Spirit is on the move.

Praise God. Right? I mean it. The Spirit is active and working in that place, in that situation. You know which one He means. You know. He knows. He's here. He's watching. And not from the sidelines. Keep stepping out of the way, and know that HE (the Almighty Maker of creation!) is working. The Spirit is on the move.

Receive it, please. He's speaking to YOU.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who He Is

The Lord is... strength and my song Banner
...greater than all other gods
...with us
...slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion
...GOD their inheritance, as He promised them
...your life
...powerful a God who knows rock, my fortress and my deliverer
...your strength
...a refuge for the oppressed

And that's just a handful from the wealth of the TRUTH.

Exodus 15:2, Exodus 17:15, Exodus 18:11, Numbers 14:9, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 4:35, Deuteronomy 18:2, Deuteronomy 30:20, Joshua 4:24, 1 Samuel 2:3, 2 Samuel 22:2, 2 Chronicles 12:6, Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 9:9...for starters!

What a great God we serve!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


As usual, I have been meditating a lot on the idea of faith lately. Regular readers may recall seeing multiple references to Hebrews 11:1 lately ("Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of things not yet seen" (NIV).

I've found that, at least for me, my own ability to live in faith is directly related to how truly I believe in God's faithfulness - as a fixed, permanent and constant attribute of His character. In church, in study and in songs, I hear a lot about God's faithfulness. And, with praise, I am glad to report that I have seen it in my own life - again and again and again.

I came across this verse today:

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands." Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIV)

There is a space inside me that wants (and needs) read that again and again. Not only does this verse speak in absolute truth, as authoritative Word that God is faithful, but it also gives an easy to miss command at the beginning. We are to know that the Lord is God. He is God. I don't know about you, but sometimes, I have to remind myself of just that fact: He is God (and I'm not!). He is faithful. He is keeping (present tense!) His covenant of love.

Thank You, Lord, for being who You are! Because You first loved me, I can love...and because You are faithful, I can put my enduring faith and trust in Your hands. I love You, Lord! Thank You!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inheriting the Land

When a poet writes, s/he most certainly considers which ideas and phrases come in conjunction with each other. Sentence B follows sentence A for a reason....

With that in mind, I was looking at Psalm 37:7-9:

"Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.

For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land."

I admit that when I first read this, the first stanza here seemed unrelated to the next two. Naturally, refraining from anger is a good idea, whether it has anything to do with being still before God. Likewise, waiting for Him is a good move, regardless of whether or not evil men will be cut off. But, I feel fairly certain that, like any good poetry, these ideas were not put together haphazardly. So, I started considering more deeply.

It's possible that the inference here is sort of a chain of events. First message: don't be impatient with God. Well, I know that when I am impatient with His plans, I often tend to fret and worry. But then the next thing we're told here is not to fret. "It only leads to evil."

Yikes. Evil?

Looking at the Hebrew behind this word is helpful. The first note in my study aid is that the literal translation behind this word is a breaking to pieces. More properly, this word means "to spoil." So, worrying leads to me becoming spoiled. Ah, that sounds about right. The word implies displeasure and harming oneself as well. Yeah, so worry? Not good. Got it.

We're also encouraged to refrain from anger & turn from wrath. I like the KJV translation on this bit; it says to "forsake wrath." In my mind, that implies making an active decision to leave wrath out in the cold. There's choice involved.

So, where am I at with my passage then? I'm to be still and patiently let God's timing be what it is. I'm not to worry about it, and part of that means I need to choose to forgo my self-indulgent desire to be angry with Him; I get to choose to let that go.

Lastly, after a reminder that my worrying about God's timing only ruins me, I'm given a word of encouragement: "Those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land."

The KJV uses even stronger language: "those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth." From what I can tell (and please know I'm not establishing theology here; I'm not Hebrew scholar...just trying to piece this together), this is basically an idiomatic phrase meaning "everything." Its first occurrence in the Bible is in Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning, God created the heaves and the earth." There are other examples to demonstrate, but essentially, I think a fair take-away is that those who hope in Him, get it all!

No, not literally, of course, but think about what the message is here: We put our trust, our expectant belief and hope in Him, and we get the keys to the kingdom. Hallelujah! I don't know about you, but whatever kingdom He has set aside for me, I definitely want to make sure I inherit it according to His plan!

So, for me, today, I'll be praying for the Spirit to run the show, so I can walk in patience and trust in my God. And I will do so in obedience, and in expectant faith that the land He has set aside as my promised land is going to suit me just fine. :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Not a Word

There's a verse that came my way, by God's grace, that I just had to share with you all:

“Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” Joshua 21:45

There are SO many wonderful absolute words in that verse. "Not a word." I just love to meditate on that thought...of all the good things the Lord had spoken to His people, not a word failed. None failed. His word? His promises? Not a single failure. Absolute faithfulness, absolute follow through, absolute completion of His intent. Not a word.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

Ah, I love it! You too? He speaks to us - in written Scripture, through movements of the Spirit, and in a multitude of other ways. Our God has a direct and clear line to our very souls. And when He speaks, it is done. Consider His language here: It will not (return void). It will accomplish. And it will achieve His purposes. These aren't wishy-washy statements. They are the very word of God. His word swirled life into existence and the world into being. His breath brought us our vitality and life.

And here, in the the Isaiah verse, we are reminded of how it works, just in general. He says so, and it happens. But, as further testimony, we're given the evidence in Joshua: Not a word. And, just as beautiful, "All came to pass." All. All. All.

I don't know about you, but I definitely need to let that word sink in.

The way we talk, in general, is in huge sweeping generalizations. It's part of our culture. "Everybody thought it was great" or "All the stores were so busy" or "I never say that" or "She always is smiling." We use absolute language so frivolously. But this isn't a random person living in 2009; this is the Lord of All, and you can bet that His words are carefully chosen and drop more weight in their very speaking than either you or I could ever possess in all of our person. The Word says more in these simple phrases "All came to pass" and "Not a word failed" than I could ever hope to say in my lifetime...and believe me, I'm a talker!

All came to pass. Not a word failed. His word will not return empty. Count on these things, believe them! Let them dwell in your richly! This is TRUTH friends! Truth!!! Hallelujah!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Asked & Answered

I have to remember that in multiple instances, the Bible tells us that all we really need to do is to ask, and then to receive. I find that I am better (a lot better sometimes) at the asking than I am at the receiving... and I do believe that they're two distinct actions, both requiring a measure of willingness and intent.

I can ask and ask, but if I never stop and receive the good that the word tells is already being done on our behalf, I will just keep asking. Truth be told, I do that a lot.

So, today, I'm focusing on receiving His promises, and in the act of reception, thanking Him for using them and using me to bring Glory to Him. I know He has an infinite number of ways in which He can and does use a willing heart, but I am prone to thinking that receiving His gifts and His presence is a precursor to many of them

Keep me focused today, Lord. And help me remember to receive and give thanks!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

His Way

When we hurt, He comforts us.

When we are weary, He lifts us up and is our strength.

When we are lost, He guides our feet. In Him, with Him, we are found.

These are the promises of God...or at least a few of them. What He doesn't promise is to make all the uncomfortable feelings of hurting disappear. He doesn't say that we will never feel tired; just that, when we are tired, He will renew us if we lean on Him. He will guide our paths, yes, but He doesn't promise to provide a map with all the previews.

I know that when I ask God to help me surrender, He is there. He hears me. He helps. He begins helping before I even know I need to ask, and He is faithful to provide. What He might not always do is immediately dissolve any of my own willful nature. He may not wipe away every vestige of my awareness of my way. And, really, this makes sense. How could I choose to come along His way if I was unaware of a way of my own design?

He loves us enough to not to get in the way of the process He created for us...or maybe it's the process for which we were created. Either way, He is here in our lesser moments...but He doesn't necessary rocket us out of them. Like that "Footprints" poem? He carries the poem's subject, but they're still trudging along that long beach, right? Sometimes, I think that turning to Him means I am to be whisked away from the beach - it's sandy grime merely a vague memory. But that's not His way. And that's the key in all of this, isn't it? I think that's really what it's all about.

So, here I am, Lord. Impatient, willful, of this world in so many ways... and I need You. I need You, and I am desperately aware of my need, of my lack, of my incompleteness on my own. So, here I am. I choose You. And I will walk the path, even though I want desperately to avoid it altogether some days. Your way, Your will. I'm coming Your way, Lord. Thanks for being here beside me, not only comforting me with Your companionship and love, but leading me, and lifting me up when I tire. I couldn't do it any other way, and yet this is the thing for which I was created. So, here I am. I'm coming Your way.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I was talking with a group of friends last night about the unexpected repetitive patterns we sometimes recognize in our own lives. I know I'm not the only one who, at times, has realized, with a start, that a certain relationship or interaction or habit is amazingly similar to another I've had in the past. Sometimes these parallels are refreshing and comforting; I do have some good patterns I repeat sometimes.

On other occasions, this realization can come with disappointment. I've repeated patterns in relationships, in prayer & study habits, in the way I approach co-workers... you name it! And some of these, I've seen, can be not-so-good things to repeat.

The good news is that God gives us these insights into our behaviors and patterns if we look for them, and stay open to His word to us:

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 (NIV)

Additionally (and very importantly!), He will give us a new way to live when the patterns aren't positive ones.

"This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, whoteaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." Isaiah 48:17 (NIV)

This post today is for anyone who, in any area of his or her life, has that "I've been here before" feeling. We've all "been there" before; it's just that, sometimes, the "there" is different from person to person. The good news is that God is a God of Good News! And He's about re-birth and redemption and restoration and transformation. He will give us wisdom; we need only ask & receive. He will teach us what is best for us and direct our feet; we need only ask...and receive.

I'm grateful for a God who leads today; and I am GLAD I'll be seeing that truth again and again!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Patience & a Quick Temper

"A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15:18

I think this Proverb is one that has fairly intuitive immediate application within our lives. Today, however, in my reading, I had a new thought about it that I'd like to share....

I suppose I may be the only one (although I suspect I'm not!), but sometimes I can try to have a little quarrel with the Lord. And, you know, as I started to think about it, many of my "quarrels" with God are about timing. My "hot-temper" and my impatience can (and sometimes do) have a multitude of impacts on my relationships with others in this world. Sometimes, they have big impacts on my relationship with myself. What I think I have previously failed to recognize is that they often, also, have an impact on my relationship with God.

You know, no matter what, I do pretty much always know and actively desire a "good" relationship with God. I have learned the hard way (and the easy way, thank You!) that being in good relationship with Him is well worth my time and effort. So, on top of all the mess I can create in my earthly life with impatience and a quick reaction, I must also remember that I can create my own wedge between my heart and God's. And, of course, I'm the one who suffers there too.

This may not be excessively profound, but it certainly seems worth considering to me!

Lord, help me see and recognize my impatience and hot-temper with You! Help give me patience beyond my own strength, and teach me to come to You and Your plan for my life with meekness and humility! Thank You for Your ways! They are well above my own!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Sound Advice

I'm going to try something a little different today...

Let's start with this passage:

"5Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15-17 (NIV)

As I read this and pondered over it, I noticed some very simple and clear directions that are given. Here is a basic summary of some of the main points, in order:

Let Christ rule in your hearts.
Be thankful.
Let the Word dwell in you as you teach and sing, with gratitude in your hearts.
Do all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks.

See any themes there? Colossians 3:16 happens to be a personal favorite of mine. I love to let my imagination come up with pictures for what it would look like to let the Word dwell in me richly. But what I've never noticed about this passage is its emphasis on gratitude!

We're told quite directly to be thankful. And the assumption is that as we teach as sing, we're doing it with gratitude in our hearts. (Well, it's either an assumption or a subtle hint!) And lastly, as we do all things in His name, we're told to do so while giving thanks.

I suspect it's no accident that these words are so repetitive in theme. Gratitude is important!

Perhaps you had your own images fill your mind as you thought of the Word dwelling richly in you. What changes in your picture if you imagine that rich indwelling and couple it with abundant and active gratitude? Mine is a beautiful thought-picture!

Let me strive for that today, Lord! You are worthy to be praised!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trusting Enough for Thank You

I told someone the other day that I was "thankful for the plan." My friend's response? "Um, what IS the plan?" My answer was, "I don't know, but I trust Him enough to be grateful for it."

You know, when I spontaneously find myself in that place of gratitude, my heart is filled just to know and see His work in my life.

Most days, I feel totally uncertain as to what His plans are for five minutes beyond the present. There are so many things He does and so many moments in which I find myself that prompt me to think, "Um, okay... I am winging it here, but hopefully I'm doing alright!" And I say that to demonstrate that, even when I am in the middle of the unfolding plan itself, sometimes I still don't know what's going on! ha!

But I also know that, really, my clarity on exactly the progression of His world isn't usually that important. What is important is that I am quick to obey, and that I stay in a place of gratitude. See, in that way, my gratitude doesn't need to be dependent upon the outcome of any specific thing or situation. It's dependent upon Him. And if I trust Him and truly believe Him and trust that His plans really are not to harm me, but to give me hope and a future (see Jeremiah 29:11!), then I have no alternative but to be grateful. For He is good, and if His plan for me is one that He deems good, then I should be doing cartwheels!

So, even in the midst of bleak times, in the middle of a harrowing season and in the darkness of the unknown, I strive to always give thanks! Because my thankfulness is not about the times, the season or the outcomes; it's about God and who He is! In Him, we can all take refuge and find gladness...of this, I am sure!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Love is an Action

There's a phrase I've said again and again; I think it is true on a multitude of levels: Love is an action. At different times, and in different scenarios, this has meant different things to me. Sometimes it's mustering up the energy at the end of a long and tiring day to get up and do that one last favor for a loved one. Maybe it means stepping through my own insecurities and self-consciousness to be bold for the benefit of someone in need. Sometimes it's just as simple as doing instead of feeling.

What has recently struck me is the powerful ideas that come to mind when I consider this idea of love being an action in light of God's enormous love for me. He loves us more than we can begin to understand. The enormity of His adoration is beyond that of which we can even conceive! So, what does this mean when it comes to His love being an action.

Well, it helps me understand, in some small way how and why He chose to send His Son. It humbles and overwhelms my heart to think about the loving act of Jesus' death. He didn't just tell us He loved us. He didn't just hope we could make it "okay" through eternity. He stepped in, and He intervened. He put His feet to this dirty earth and not only died for us, but lived for us as well.

And while the act of Salvation is enough to blow my mind, it's moving in a different way for me to realize that His love for me is still alive and active in my life today. He didn't undertake one grand action 2,000 years ago and leave me to my own defenses. God shows up. Jesus restores & heals. Still. Today. In me and in you. These are the actions of love.

I think about the idea of gratitude. It's such a powerful place to focus...all I have to start doing is thinking of my gratitude list as a list of actions God has undertaken on my behalf, motivated by His active and real love for me. Wow. I begin to be overwhelmed by His love again. And it's a wonderful feeling.

I encourage you to put some intention into looking for His active love in your life - it's ALL around us. And, just like in any other relationship, when I focus on the things He does for me out of love, I am drawn closer to His heart and feel more tender to His holy touch. How could that not be worth the tiny bit of energy it takes to pause & notice?

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I was feeling sad last night. It wasn't anything "big," but just missing someone and feeling sad. I had some good time with God in the midst of my sadness, and He reminded me of an important fact. Loving God, keeping my eyes focused on Him and finding joy in Him do not exclude me having my feelings. God created those too.

So, rather than beat up on myself and tell myself that if I were really seeking God, I wouldn't ever be sad (what a lie from the enemy that is!), I was reminded that I can feel my feelings AND still leave the reigns in God's hands.

So, as I was feeling sad and praying, I asked Him to just comfort me. And I felt like His encouragement was simply to take refuge in Him. I imagine a craggy cliff, and finding a little nook of His warmth in which to tuck myself away. I snuggled into that nook, and just felt His presence. I still felt sad for a little while, but it was just sadness...not a depth of sorrow, not soul crushing ache. Just sad. And that was okay.

I am so grateful that we have a God who not only allows us to feel, but will sit with us while we do. I celebrate that in Him today!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"You Complete Me"

"'As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.'" John 15:9-11 (NIV)

It's so easy, even for me, to start thinking that sometimes God just wants to rain on my parade. Some days, it can feel like a lot of "rules." More frequently, though, I hear this from non-believers and the culture. Likewise, I hear comments all the time - on TV, in magazines and from friends of mine about how "impossible" it is to find fulfillment. So many seem to think that happiness, let alone complete joy, is an unattainable reality!

Yet, the word tells us differently on both counts. Isn't it ironic that the very guidelines our Maker gives, that often get such a bad wrap, are the very things that will lead us down the path for which so many search? The question that comes to mind immediately for me is how can I share that? I've learned the truth of Jesus' claims here in the truth and experience of my own life. I've seen it in the journeys those around me take. I know God's sovereign faithfulness. So, I know. But so many do not!

The best way, I think, is to live it out. I try to live my life in a way that demonstrates the difference. There's a time-honored principle that states, "If you want what I have, you have to do what I've done." In my opinion, it is a far more effective tack to just live the life I love and trust Him to catch the hearts & interest of others. I don't mean to say that intentional witnessing isn't good, but the people I live around need ministry as much as the next person. So, my thought is, live what IS my life...and my life is showered in bounty on many sides by a loving and generous Fathers. Then other people can simply take note of what I have...then they start to get curious about what I did to get to where I am.

The opposite approach - starting with what "what I did" means focusing on obedience, surrender and submission. For some situations, and in some relationships, this is the right on approach too. It depends.

The beauty of it all is that, regardless of which approach unfolds, what the Bible says here is clear and true. He gives us guidelines - that "owner's manual" so many people complain doesn't exist - and they are directions given for our own good and joy...complete joy! Who wouldn't want to pursue that with everything in them? Count me in!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For Freedom, Set Free

Galatians 5:1 is one of my all-time favorite verses in the Bible. It has had new meaning and importance to me in a variety of seasons and scenarios so far in life, and I am sure there is only more to come. I would like to do a quick look at this verse today.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (NIV)

In context, Paul is writing to the church at Galatia and encouraging them to resist the temptation to continue to feel conscripted by the old traditional Jewish law. Not to oversimplify, but I think that the essence of what he's saying here is plainly spoken in the verse.

It is easy to fall into old patterns - old habits, old attitudes, old idols, old withholding, old fear. You name it. But this verse reminds us that we can fall back into those old strongholds and that, when we do, it's a burden akin to the yoke of slavery.

And Christ, my friends...He has set us free. Free. No less. Completely free.

So, stand firm. Fight the temptation to get lazy; resist the devil's whisper that just a little bit of this or that in your heart won't hurt. Stand firm. And be free.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Knowing What's Right

"'For you will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God. This is because they have never known the Father or me. Yes, I’m telling you these things now, so that when they happen, you will remember my warning.'" John 16:2-4a (NLT)

Jesus' words here really jumped out at me today. "The time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God." Wow. I noticed that it doesn't say "for their gods" or "for humanity." Others who persecute the followers of Jesus will think they are doing a holy thing for God. Our God. The only God.

I wish wish wish there was a simple and complete list of things to do and not do that covered life completely. Yes, there is the Bible, and its rich guidance covers life on a macro scale. But, there is no listing that clarifies exactly which words I'm supposed to use when comforting a grieving friend or how to respond to an employee who is curious about my church, but cautiously so. There are a million different specific scenarios that are covered within the general wisdom of the Bible, but about which specific direction is not given. I wish there was.

Along those same lines, I pray about all my major decisions, and as many minor ones as I remember to. The exact words for a friend, the scriptural passage I need in a moment of hurting or the name of a family member who needs an extra hand can all come to me as if from no where in ways and times that I know are from the Lord. The Spirit speaks to my gut with words unspoken and messages I could never articulate. Yet, I could pray hours and hours and, still, some answers would not be provided. There is no list of absolutes - not even in prayer.

I can seek wise counsel; I can meditate, read the wisdom of the scholars, listen to countless sermons, seek God's direction in prayer and read the Bible cover-to-cover, and EVEN then, there are still some things where the exact answer I think I need may not come.

I personally believe this is because we're also given minds and hearts of our own. We're taught so that we can learn, and then, in turn, apply what we've learned. Sometimes we do it wrong, but sometimes we do it right. I don't need to ask God whether I should have Chex or Rice Krispies for breakfast; truth is, He may not care. But, when it comes to more important decisions, I can seek His will and wisdom tirelessly. And yet, in many decisions, there will come a time when it's time to decide. And then what? As the passage above says, there will be those who persecute Jesus' true followers and think they are doing so in the defense of God! How can I avoid being one so misled?

Well, I think it's a combination of all of the above, and perhaps above all, a willingness to be corrected. A humble heart keeps me open to learning that I am wrong and willing to, in turn, set things right. I can walk forward in boldness knowing that if I honestly seek Him, He will never leave me stranded. His faithfulness extends beyond that which I can comprehend.

Just a few verses down, Jesus adds this: "'But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.'" John 16:13-14 (NIV)

So take heart! The Spirit of truth comes, and we are guided by His grace! So, make sure you're resting in Him, and then you can rest easy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

What Brings Him Glory

Sometimes, for me, it's easy to let the way "the world" thinks clog up my brain. It just kinda junks things up sometimes, and I have to remind myself to stay rooted & founded in the way that the Bible teaches me to approach the world around me, my own internal life and so much more.

One area in which this often comes up for me is in relating to others who are not believers, especially when they may be going through a hard time in their lives. For example, let's pretend I have a friend who is struggling financially. My imaginary friend's finances are in complete disarray, and her stress level is through the roof. If she's like most people, she hasn't frittered it away on anything particular; she's not a gambler or something dramatic like that. She just hasn't made great choices - again and again. (I can relate; this has, in my past, been an easy area for me to be sloppy in!)

Well, in my own life, my finances are stable and my heart is at peace around the topic of money. Sure, there are things I would love to be able to afford, but I don't worry about them or long for them in my heart. Instead, I rest contented, knowing I'm being taken care of, and stable because I've been a good steward of what He's given me. I've followed Biblical precepts and tithed faithfully for several years now. I'm in a good place.

So, here's where it can get tricky for me. And maybe this is only me! But, sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't say anything about that area of my life with my friend. Especially when something positive happens for me: an unexpected bonus at work, a tax refund larger than I'd expected, etc. I feel like it is "bragging" or rubbing it in her face.

Well, of course, there is a way to approach any positive thing in our lives that's gloating and boasting, and that is always to be avoided. But, there are also ways of sharing that are either just sharing the facts of what's new in life or giving praise to God for His goodness, providence and favor.

Sometimes, I have to admit, I might just keep my mouth shut around this particular friend. Why? Well, I guess my best answer is that "I don't want her to feel bad." Well, I read something that caught my attention anew the other day, and I felt a nudge from the Spirit saying that this was applicable in this way. I felt a realization & reminder that false humility is no better than arrogance and boasting.

Jesus said this:
"[It] is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:8 (NIV)

I found this to be such good and simple instruction. Of course (!), delivery is 99% of the issue. But, sharing with a humble heart and a kind spirit, I can show that the path of living that follows after the heart of Jesus and the will of God is not only good because He commands it, but also because in bearing much fruit (a natural by-product of living His way), I bring glory to Him!

I took a Bible study once that walked through a multitude of instances in the Bible in which God's glory is described as present in the situation, scenario or setting. The Bible teacher's conclusion, which I found to be very credible, was that God's glory is largely the way He makes Himself recognizable. So, with that context, consider what Jesus is saying. By showing myself as His disciple, and bearing much fruit, it's one of the ways God shows Himself to be present and to be who He is.

Well, of course this is a good thing! And, perhaps, most especially in the lives of those who are struggling! For myself, personally, I find that it is seldom the best approach to say, "Well, my life is great because I follow Jesus and found freedom and peace. You should try it!" So far, I haven't found myself in many (any?) situations in which I found that to be my most effective approach to witnessing. However, I have had times in my life where others have taken note of my joy, my peace and even my prosperity (in one manner of speaking or another). And when they inquire, I have one of the best opportunities for witnessing about His love & sacrifice that I could ever ask for!

So, just remember, a humble heart must be a precursor, yes. But, His faithfulness begets the fruit in our lives and to live this out loud brings Glory to HIM!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Believing Even More

I started praying years ago for God to conform my will to His will. It's something I've continued to pray, in a multitude of situations and times, and it's a request I will continue to make for the rest of my life.

I want to desire what God wants for me - above all else. As I heard in a song that captured my heart years ago, I have always wanted to "learn to love the dreams that He has dreamed for me." So, I pray.

And God has been incredibly faithful, and has taught me and transformed me more than I could have ever hoped or imagined. He's so good like that, isn't He?

I am hesitant as I begin this post today; I know what I want to write, but I am not sure how to say it. There's a story I want to tell, but one that seems hard to articulate. So, Lord, help me please! Let it be for Your glory!

I've written quite a lot about some of the promises that the Lord has made in my life; these are promises specific to me and my own future, His plans for me and my life. He reveals more as time passes, but there are certain things He's already laid out for me. See, He knows I need time to get used to certain ideas. And all along, I have prayed for His ideas to capture my heart. As I said, I pray for Him to make His desires those that become my own.

The other night, I was writing down a prayer request for a group of praying friends. As I was writing, I had in the back of my mind a particular thing that I've been praying about and hoping for. I have felt like God has given His nod of approval to this particular request, and, in fact, its origin was with Him and a dream He gave me.

Throughout my life, however, I have fought this incorrect idea that the things I want and the things that God wants for me must be in some sort of conflict. Somehow, I grew up with the idea that doing and wanting God's will meant sacrifice, having less than and some sort of base level suffering. And, yes, sometimes, I believe this is the case. But not always. And the Bible is FULL of reassurances that He desires good things for us, good things for me...

So, anyway, as I was writing my prayer request, the thought flashed in my mind that I might request prayer that lined up with the things I've been desiring. Then I thought, "No, I should pray for God's will to be breathed into this situation, not my own." Then, all the sudden, I started to write, and I wrote an earnest and heartfelt request for God's will and God's purposes and plans. BUT, as I was writing, I felt such a well of joy in my heart; it was if I heard God whispering to me and saying, "What I want is what you want!" I have prayed for God's will over my own many, many times...but I am not sure I have ever prayed for His will in joy that overflowed from knowing that my will really was in alignment with His.

For me, this is just a new level of faith. I can pray for His will until the cows come home, but praying for His desires and His plans when my heart is rooted in a place of trusting that HIS way is the same as the way He's promised my heart it will be...well, that's different. It's saying, "I believe this is Your way, because You told me. And I believe it through and through. I believe it enough to ask for Your will without one tiny vestige of "instead of my will" in my heart, because Your will and mine are aligned."

This is one of those things that I'm not sure I can communicate well without pages and pages of exposition. So, I hope it has come through. He is faithful. He changes hearts. He changes desires. He brings hope where there was none. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Today, I am certain. He is who He says He is; He does what He says He'll do. And sometimes, He even gives us details about what and when. Our job is just to believe Him, and to believe Him enough to pray for it to come to pass just like He's said it is!

I love You, Lord! May the desires of my heart always be those patterned after You!

Friday, August 7, 2009

He Loves You

I had the privilege of listening to some great women talk tonight about the ways in which God had changed their lives. One theme that struck my heart was focused on all the ways in which God chases after us - no matter who we are or what we do.

I know I had times in my own journey during which I didn't know how to answer the Lord's calls, and I still had so much mistrust of Him that our relationship wasn't in a good place. I ran from Him - again and again. Even in times when I longed for His touch, I ran. Yet, He still pursued me.

I am so grateful today for a Lord who loves me enough to chase after my heart, to draw me with cords of kindness and to offer me grace, in spite of all my imperfection and humanity. Thank You, Lord! Today I honor Your loving name!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Side of Jesus?

There's one really important word in the Bible that I'd like to write about today. It's a word that, when I see it, I know to take note; it's very likely giving me an important piece of instruction. That word is "then."

I lived my life for many years missing out of the full richness of a life in true relationship with God. We had Bible verses on the wall hangings in my house growing up; I was a Youth Group regular, and as an adult even participated in several intensive Bible studies.

However, when it came down to it, my intellectual pursuits left me unfulfilled and searching. I didn't really realize that I wasn't looking for an answer; I was looking for a leader and a friend. Then, at both the apex and the starting point of a beautiful set of journeys, I met Jesus in a new way for the very first time.

My life changed. I changed. My life and my heart and my mind are continuing to transform and to change, and I couldn't be happier. Nor could I be more blissful. That is such a strange thought to me; there was a time when I thought getting to a place of "happy" was all I was looking for. Turns out that I was looking for a place of Holy, and that happy was just a continual by-product, regardless of the twists and turns in the road.

In those past years, that past life, I pursued with intensity; that's just how I am. Give me a task, a chore, a job, a goal, and I will go after it. With everything in me. I don't tend to have a problem with half measures.

Problem is, I was pursuing the wrong thing. My trajectory was just the tiniest bit off, but it made all the difference. I was pursuing life...the life I thought I wanted, the life I thought I needed and certainly the life I hoped I deserved. And I was trying to chase after that life in a Godly way; I had Jesus and the Bible and church and study smeared all over the walls of my prison. And none of it helped get me out.

You know why? It's because the life of discipleship isn't supposed to be life as you know it or imagine it with just a little smattering of Jesus on top. That's what being "set apart" is all about.

So, with that as my commentary, I bring us back to the word "then."

Please look at this passage from Isaiah; it's a little long, but believe me it's worth it:

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?

Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
"If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
with the pointing finger and malicious talk,

and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.

The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:6-11 (NIV)

Ahhhh! This is some of the most beautiful poetry, on a soul level, for me!

Oh how I craved that! I wanted light; I sought after that rear guard and springs and guidance and help! Oh how I needed them desperately; my heart cringes a little to think about the heartache I lived in for so many years. Oh friends...I looked in every wrong place, and I spent SO much energy and effort in doing so!

Now, please, go back and notice all the instances of that all-important word, "then," in this passage.

This passage, to me, says "Don't go chasing after the light and the warm fuzzies. Chase after the things *I* am about and things my heart chases after; there you will find Me, and when you find Me, all the other light and safety you have craved will be found." For it is in Him alone.

I'm going to repeat myself, but I think it bears repeating: Life, as He offers it, isn't meant to look like the world with just a little smear of Jesus on the walls. We are meant to be different. And so often we think of "different" as scary, but it seems more and more true to me that the different I find when I look His way is the freedom I was looking for all along.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Added Unto You

Like many of you, I'm sure, there is a lot going on in my world this week. Work, family, personal life, relationships, friendships, relationships of friends, etc... lots going on!

It can be really easy for me to slip into an old habit of trying to organize, orchestrate and control. I have told people that I used to live my life trying to calculate each and every possible variable for each and every possible scenario. Then, I'd make a "plan" for each option. I think I did this to try to help myself feel prepared and safe. All I actually felt was exhausted.

That house of cards was a precarious world to live in, and when one card tipped out of place (which happened constantly), the whole thing would fall apart, and I'd be left running around trying to replace and reposition the pieces.

Thankfully, I have learned over the years that I don't have to do any of that, and that, instead, I can just let God do what He does best: run the show. Turns out, I'm not exactly qualified for the position.

So, in light of this idea, I'm thinking about the following passage. For many of you, it will be familiar, but I encourage you to read it slowly and let your heart and mind digest it a bit:

“'That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

'And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

'So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.'" Matthew 6:25-33 (NLT)

Many are familiar with another phrase from verse six: "...and everything else will be added unto you."

This is the part of this passage that I've been meditating on. Jesus' words here say the same thing several ways, but I think this last verse really hits home the point. We worry, we busy-about, we pray, we plan, we strive, we save, we organize, categorize, orchestrate and build our own houses of cards again and again each day. Even though my cards are in more of a petite stack than a giant house, I still try to stack them up and arrange them. I do it all the time.

But, as my heart was called to this verse today, I also was reminded of a phrase from a worship song I love: "Into Your hands I lay the unknown things."

What verse six reminds me is that, no matter what, all I really need to do is seek and draw close to God. Everything else - that's right EVERYTHING else - will be taken care of by Him. It's not wrong or bad to see wisdom, strive for peace or plan for parts of our lives. Living responsibly requires much of each of these things, but above all else, we need to seek the heart of God. We need to seek relationship with and dependence upon Him and His ways. Then, anything and everything else of importance will be added unto us.

For me, this is a fresh & challenging reminder. Another well-known song, "He's got the whole world in His hands; He's got the whole world in His hands..." and again and again. And, really, that's it. He has you in His hands. He has your loved ones, your spouses, your families, your children, your friends, your co-workers and every stranger on the street in His hands. There is no safer or more wonderful place to be. Concentrate on settling into His grasp; I am certain you won't be sorry.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This Very Reason

This passage so caught my heart today when I came across it...

These are Jesus' words as He's speaking about His coming fate with His disciples. The spirit and intention in His words and sentiment really just touched my heart today:

"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" John 12:27-28a (NIV)

There are so many things to grab onto here; for me, I find so much hope and instruction. One, there's Jesus' example. His heart is troubled now that He's come to the "hard part" of His journey. Yet, what would He do? Ask the Father to change it all? No. As He says, the journey is about the hard part. This alone is a good reminder and example for me, but what He says next is so compelling. In the midst of His troubled heart, Jesus' primary desire is still to glorify the name of the Father! I pray for the faithfulness and commitment to have my heart's cry, in the midst of trials, be first and foremost for the glory of God. I ask that my priorities be ordered as such, all the way down to my bones!

And I take hope from this passage as well; what Jesus went through, none of us can really imagine. The earthly consequences of my own sin sometimes have felt crushing; I really cannot begin to even comprehend or imagine what Jesus must have endured. And yet, what does He say about it? That it was FOR this very reason He came! I forget sometimes that He didn't come just so He could relate to us and us to Him on an earthly plane. He didn't walk the sand for a break from His daily routine. He came for the very reason this passage speaks of: He came to set us free!

This wells up hope and praise inside my heart! And it inspires me to live for the Glory of God ever more so! I hope you take from it some value too; the wealth of the Word continues to astound me! I love it!

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Expect More of Me"

I have a new phrase that I feel the Lord spoke over me in the midst of a few days of intense spiritual communication and contact. I was praying from such a pure and raw place in my heart through this short period, and sharing everything - from joys and praise to fears and questions. I sometimes feel like the Lord speaks back to me very clear answers or direction or comfort, etc. Well, what He said in the midst of all this (the only thing I heard Him say clearly) was this:

"Expect more of Me."

Please, take a pause with me and just soak that in...I think it's something He could say to every one of us. Imagine Him saying it right into your own heart:

"Expect more of Me."

There's an initial intellectual reaction inside me that says, "Oh, yeah, of course! I always underestimate God." But, when I stop and let that seep deeper into my heart and spirit, I feel such a sense of intimacy with Him. He is urging me, in the most loving and gentle of ways to trust Him more, to love Him more, to just go farther with Him, in Him. And, of course, He knows I need to the urging.

Whether it be about a lack of trust or simple habitual pattern, I do tend to be awfully self-sufficient. Ridiculously self-sufficient at times, I have to admit. And along side this tendency in me is a sort of glossing over that happens when it comes to others.

When others offer to help me in some way, I often breeze right past them, dismissing them in this way that almost seems to indicate the offer never was made. It's been brought to my attention only recently that this is not only not-the-best for me, but that it can hurt others. So, it's something I'm working with and working on. It's something I'm asking for help with.

And yet, even when I come to God for help (and He's the one I come to for help more than any other), I still tend to come asking for the bare minimum. It's a silly example, but as a way to demonstrate, I think it's fair to say that if I were struck with some horrible illness, I'd potentially know to ask for complete healing, but, truthfully, I'd probably also pray for just the ability to tolerate whatever it was with which I found myself afflicted. And, to add further conviction to my own lot, it's true that, regardless of what I ask for, I often don't expect to get it, or at least not all of it. I sort of tend to operate sometimes on this basis of not wanting to get my hopes up.

And while this all makes perfect sense on the natural plane, it's rather startlingly detached from who God is and what He is all about. This is the God of the universe we're talking about here; He created and designed every fiber of my being, every glimmer in my soul and every facet of the world around me. All by simply speaking it into existence. I think, for me, that some of this is habit. I have spent the vast, vast majority of my years living and approaching life in a certain way. And I do want to be patient with myself as I learn to let Jesus change and mold me.

I suspect, too, that there may be an element of distrust that unconsciously comes into play. Why expect so little of God? Why, within the realm of imagination, might I want to "not get my hopes up" when it comes to God Almighty, my very own Creator? Well, maybe I'm just a little afraid that He won't show up. Or, maybe I'm just worried He won't show up in the time or place or way in which I want. Ahh, surrender.

My suspicion is that all three of these elements (habit, mistrust, willfullness) come into play for me, and maybe for you? I don't know. Those are questions I can't answer.

What I can do is remember the word He spoke directly to me: "Expect more of Me."

Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord! Yes, yes, Lord! "I believe, I believe! Help me with my unbelief!" (see Mark 9)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just Receive

Life gets so busy sometimes. I think I saw some cartoon once that said, "The problem with life is that it's just so daily." Sometimes I definitely can appreciate that sentiment!

Even in the midst of serving God and following Jesus, things can get a little hectic. There can be functions to attend, neighbors to assist, children to care for, decisions to make, and it can just keep going on and on...

Recently, after a short season in which I was immersing myself in lots of intercessory prayer and service, I felt a small whisper in my spirit. It was during worship one day and I felt like I heard Him say, "Just receive."

In all honesty, it was such a foreign concept due to where my head was in that time, my first reaction was basically "Huh?"

"Just receive."

Oooooh... right. That.

Like any quality relationship, my relationship with the Lord needs to be not only about giving and praising and serving, but also about receiving.

Do you ever need to be told to just stop everything else & just receive Him & His fountain of love for us?

It's easy (at least for me) to let so many other (worthwhile!) things get in the way...but, really, that's what it's all about: relationship with Him... and when we don't let Him relate to us within the full breadth of relationship, we not only miss out, but withhold from Him that which is rightfully His: our hearts.

So, take time out today, if you are one who needs to, and just receive.