Sunday, March 22, 2009

Authenticity in Relationship

I was thinking today about how important it is, and what a blessing it can be to share in real, authentic and self-revealing relationships with others in the body of Christ.

I've had the blessing recently to get to know a few key friends better, and with more depth - and let me tell you, it has been rich with blessing and grace! One friend & I have dubbed it our "blessing circle". The reason for the name is that one of us will feel blessed by the other, and then as we share about the experiences in our life that have helped create the opportunity for the specific blessing, the other seems to receive some sort of special word or encouragement. It just keeps going, around and around. Seriously, it's awesome!

I know it may not sound all that "awesome" to someone not caught in the circle, but as I was reflecting on some of my similar experiences lately, it just hit home to my heart how important it is to not only have friends, but to also have friends with which we really share the depths of our hearts. It's only when I let others truly know me that I seem to open up the opportunity for them to share theirs with me, and also create the perpetual opportunities to receive new and unexpected blessings.

There's a real value in sharing with people in a real way. And I know, it can be scary - really scary! I can say honestly, however, that when I step it up and take the first leap of faith, others almost always open up to meet me where I've gone. It's wonderful. Once again, this isn't a day for some profound revelation. I'm just wanting to share that I've been incredibly blessed anew lately simply by being willing to open up that little bit extra, in the way that may seems a little uncomfortable. I invite you to consider that for whatever it may be worth to you. You never know when a new unexpected gift may come your way!

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