Saturday, January 31, 2009

As the World Does

So, there are two verses on my heart as I write this.... I just got finished watching a movie that reminded me so much of all the things I saw during a mission trip to India late last year. Because of the reminders I got about how hard life can be for them, and how, in many ways, there are so few "good" choices when it comes to survival, I wanted to find a verse to include in this post that was about remembering the poor. I don't usually like to start with my own agenda in writing on this site, but thought it was at least a starting place, and that God would lead me where He would, and I may end up with a verse about the poor, or I may not. Well, here's where I landed.

First, Paul is writing to the Galatians about his acceptance into the group of apostles and says, "They only asked us to remember the poor—the very thing I also was eager to do" Galatians 2:10 (NASB). This was the only advice the apostles gave to Paul: continue to help the poor. Good, good. What most caught my attention here, though, was his remark that this was the very think he was so eager to do. Good man that Paul...

Okay, I'll come back to that, but here's the other verse: "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does" 2 Corinthians 10:3 (NIV). This verse usually reminds me that there is a supernatural enemy, and that he is against me, and that I am called to use supernatural spirit-filled tools in order to fight him. Today, though, I thought of it in light of the verse above, and also in light of a few things on the radar in my own life.

Economic times are hard right now; sigh.... I was joking at work the other day that my new least favorite phrase is, "because of the economy." I cannot count the hundreds I've times I've heard that lately. And as much as I'd like to deny it, money is top of mind in many ways and in many places right now. Companies are shoring up their accounts, consumers are afraid to spend, banks are lending less than ever before. And on and on and on... Fear not! I certainly do NOT wish to go into a diatribe about all these things. Truly, I'd rather be blithely unaware of them at all, but, God did put these three things together in my mind in a way that I think is worth sharing.

As I said, many people and institutions are tightening their purse strings. Spending less, hoarding more, and perhaps, fearing more than ever. But, what I heard in the latter of the two verses today was a reminder not to rely on the things upon which the world relies. I am receiving more requests to support others' missions and spiritually led ventures than ever before. I am giving more than I ever have before. And I, too, am aware of the world around me. When tempted to tighten my own purse strings and be more stingy and less generous than I have been in the past, I heard God speak into my heart, "We do not wage war as the world does." And then I heard the advice I needed today in the verse from Galatians: keep on helping the poor (as it's translated in the NLT).

Please don't misunderstand my point. Wise stewardship of God's money is always important, always. And, our God is the God of provision. The earth is the Lord's, along with everything and everyone in it. I consider it a blessing to even have the opportunity to have a heart for the poor in India. World missions are, I cannot help but believe, a thing God believes in as a pursuit for our lives when we're called to it. I do have fears that creep up about money. But the Bible tells me not to fear. When I take shelter in Him, when I tithe and continue my other giving faithfully and as He leads, I will be taken care of. There is no arguing the point. I doubt it all the time; I confess that much right now. But I know the truth: my God lifts me up, He keeps me safe and He is the one and only provider. Let our hearts not be tempted by the ways of the world to forget those who need His resources most.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Firsthand Witness

Ah friends! I felt some waves of fear this morning - nothing "important" - just typical work stuff.... And I was so grateful to be able to remember what God inspired in me yesterday: I need only to keep my eyes focused on Him, and there is no fear that can touch me! Amen & hallelujah!

As I find myself (gratefully) continuing on my journey toward greater and greater belief, I have had another reminder come back to me with full force. If you will, indulge me in a little exposition before I land this story.

I know I am not alone in wondering sometimes about "proof." I've heard teachers speak (rightfully so) on how it is different today; we weren't there to see the Red Sea part, or to watch Jesus walk resurrected down the road. Even the Bible alludes to the differences between those who have seen incredible wonders first hand and those who have not (see Deuteronomy 11:2-7, I believe...). So, you know, often times when I hear people talk about their struggles with faith - in light of a lack of "proof", I nod sympathetically. I'm sure that the voice I've heard speak such things has been my own as well.

But you know, as I sit here today, I am pondering Deuteronomy 10:21 which reads, "He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes" (NIV, italics mine), I realize that it would be an outright lie to say I hadn't seen "great and awesome wonders" with my eye owns. Goodness... I think of the simple things - a child simply reveling in the delight of her own amusement, the laughter of a baby, the playfulness of nature and the world in which we live, its absolutely perfect beauty and cyclic gracefulness... surely there are many great and awesome wonders before us all.

More so, I look at my own life. There have been absolutely horrifying strongholds and addictive obsessions of my own mind, life and sin in which I suffered for years, years. And I am not exaggerating when I say I had to fight with everything within me to crawl to a glimpse of light in some of those darkest years... but friends, I am mile-markers ahead of those days when grasping for a shimmer in the darkness was the best for which I could hope. Certainly, I have days when I feel discouraged, and you all know about my own days of sagging faith and a fearful heart.... But, in truth, when I think about the median point of my life - where my "average" day is compared to where it was a decade ago... and when I think about how much more steady and even my life is (thank gooooooooodness those overly dramatic roller-coaster rides are a thing of the past!).... Well, when I reflect in honesty, I would be ashamed to claim to have never seen great and awesome wonders of God in my very own life, and in my very own heart. I have.

I know it's been explored and suggested exhaustively in the world these days, but I do have to put in a good word for gratitude lists. It doesn't have to be in any certain format, or any certain method. The essence of the exercise is just taking some time to really immerse yourself in remembering that which God has done for you. Spend some time, if you need (and even if you don't!) to recount for yourself some great and awesome wonders. I will follow mine up with some praise for the God who performed them!

Thank You, great, holy and wonderful God! You take us and redeem our hurt; You restore our hearts and lives. Only You renew our minds. Thank You, Father, for rescuing me! I thank You for a day to give special honor to Your great and mighty works! I love You, Lord!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Listening to Him = No Fear

Have you ever had one of those moments when you're talking to someone who is so distracted with whatever is going on for them that they just will not to you? You probably have, but if not, the scene I'm imagining has been captured in numerous movies and TV shows. One person is going on and on about some sort of potentially forthcoming disaster. In other words, they're panicking. The second person is saying, "hey! hey!" and trying to tell them that whatever disaster they're worrying about has already been averted! It's usually a hilarious comedy of errors until the calm person gets the attention of the panicked person and says, "Look at me! Listen to what I'm saying!" Then, freak-out-Frannie starts actually listening to our calm friend, and realizes that all is well. Insert happy rainbow-filled ending here.

Well, now, imagine yourself as the freaking out one. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, this doesn't require much imagination. Where am I going with all this?

Check this out: "but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm" Proverbs 1:33 (NIV).

As soon as I read this verse tonight, I thought, "Oh yeah, this is me." When I am all spun up and worked up and freaked out, all I ever need to do is stop, focus my attention on the Lord and actually listen to what He says and what He is saying to me. And as we see here, we are promised safety and ease as part of the package. Safety is great; yay for safety - really, I mean that. But, to be honest, in those moments, I may sometimes value the ease more. Either way, I'll take it. And I'm grateful!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Learning from Mary's Example

I was struck tonight by two verses in the same chapter...I'd actually done some meditations and study on the first of these, but I don't recall ever noticing or having it pointed out to me that the second one, which seems to echo the language of the first, is even there - just a few verses down. First things first; the verses:

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" Luke 2:19 (NIV)


"Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart" Luke 2:51 (NIV).

What caught my attention first was the similar language. I started to think about what a good example Mary could be in remembering to treasure the here and now, and keeping close to our hearts the precious things that happen in life when it is oh-so-tempting to let them be quickly swept away. And, of course, those are always good reminders for me, and I'm glad to have thought of them. However, what became more interesting for me was looking at the original language; it's similar in some ways, but in some key ways different.

In the first verse, after Mary hears the wise men speak prophesy over her son, Jesus, and speak out the stories of what they were told by the angels, she treasures these things up in her heart. The original language for "treasure" implies a sort of conservation though. She's holding them closely together, in an effort to remember. The original language implies she wants to keep them protected from ruin.

The word translated here as "ponder" is a truly awesome word (I'm a word-nerd; I love 'em!). It means to meet up with and to encounter, to converse with and to consult, and (by implication) to personally aid. How cool! In this verse, Mary is not only holding these words close together for preservation, but she's also having a relationship with them in a way. She comes together with the words and ideas here and let's them be wisdom and teaching to her. This verse demonstrates a much better example in Mary than I'd even expected!

The second verse gives a quick aside as to part of Mary's behavior after finding Jesus in the temples teaching after she & Joseph had thought they'd lost him. This is the famous "I was in my father's house" story. And, truthfully, she provides a truly honorable example here again. Remember, she's well into the childhood and adolescence of this son of hers, but as we all know, he was no ordinary son. Can you even imagine? I don't have any children myself yet, but I know enough to know what a mind-bending and mind-blowing experience it is on countless levels. Can you imagine adding to the mix the knowledge that your son, conceived of the Spirit, was also the Holy Savior of all humanity?!? Um, yeah... talk about a big bite to chew on!

In any case, it seems Mary was wise enough to have started learning from the Savior early on. The language translated in the NIV here to "treasured" is not the same word as our previous scripture. This word has very different implications. It means to watch thoroughly, and to observe. This, from what I can tell, is a far more shrewd and thoughtful (rather than "heart-ful") response. Mary was paying attention! One smart lady - in any case, but especially considering all she knew about her son and God's plan for his earthly life!

Lastly, the word translated as "heart." It is the same word in both verses. From the reference materials I've read, it seems to imply her mind and heart more so than the way I might mean when talking about her heart alone. It seems to refer to a space sort of tucked into the deep middle of her thoughts and her feelings. So, it's not all intellectual, but it's not without intellect. It also is specifically called out as in the middle. These were not things she was pondering or treasuring or keeping together just on the edges of her self. They were things she tucked right into that special middle-pocket. She knew better than to be cavalier about the things revealed to her - no matter the manner of revelation.

In many ways, I wish we knew more about Mary. Not to state the beyond-obvious, but she was obviously a woman from whom I could learn much.

Lord, I ask for a heart like Mary's. I ask for the wisdom and humility to take deep within myself the beautiful special whispers You offer to me in this life. I ask for the awareness and intelligence to pay close attention to the lessons Jesus demonstrates for me. May I learn the skills and abilities that help me to know Your heart better and do Your will more! Thank You, Lord for so many stories from which we can learn so much! You are a wonderful teacher! Amen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Surrendering the Daily in my Day

I came across this verse today: "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV). It reminded me of how many choices I really do have. Of course, there are circumstances in my life that are beyond my control - many of them! But, at the same time, I really do make thousands and thousands of decisions each day. And each decision is a choice. And each choice has potential outcomes and consequences - some positive, some negative. Some of the consequences are foreseeable, and some are not. There are positive outcomes and some that are less than desirable.

And, beyond that, although many of my decisions may turn out to seem inconsequential to me, when I stop and think about it, I know that most (if not all) of my seemingly inconsequential decisions have the potential to create waves in my life and the lives of others. Thankfully, numerous movie and TV plots have demonstrated this principle ad infinitum, so I will forgo that piece. This verse just reminded me of how important my choices are; and, I admit, I make many of them in an utterly cavalier way. I'm going to resist the temptation to give examples; the specific examples aren't really relevant and one decision may be big for me and small for you, or vice versa. The point, however, remains unchanged.

Life, as it was created, was born out of specific intention. The intentional will of God brought us - each and every one of us - into existence. And it's because of the intentional sacrifice of His Son that you & I have the chance for life. And, as I think of it, I suspect it's probably no accident that our relationship with Him is brought to fruition through our own intentional acceptance of this purposeful gift. God is not a God of happenstance. My life, my day, my breath... none of them are accidents. Yes, there are elements and aspects to life that are the result of sin - not necessarily a part of God's willful plan, but let us not forget that there is always a solution for sin: and that solution is Jesus.

I get to choose. Again and again each day, I get to choose. And, friends, again and again today you & I get to choose. To walk in the way of life, of the Life-giver, and not only in the big ways. Major decisions, the ones that are obviously life-altering are sometimes easier to give to Him, I think. Should I take this job? Should I marry this person? Am I meant to take this leap or walk that road? I don't know about anyone else, but it's the big stuff that makes turning to Him for counsel on my choices more intuitive: I don't feel like I know what to do without Him!

But what about those other choices - the daily thousands? How to respond to a frustrating email? Whether or not to smile warmly at a stranger at the market? Should I call that friend or give myself some time alone? Is it better for me to work late tonight or tomorrow? Friends, it is my experience that these smaller, more commonplace decisions sometimes fly below my "Give it to God" radar. It is also my belief that giving these decisions to the Lord with intention is where the purest of freedom is found. And, truly friends, that's not just my ideological belief; that's certainly been my experience.

I heard a friend once say, "Life is just so daily!" with exasperation. And it is. Sometimes being a adult (or a student or a teen or a child) is a full-time job in and of itself! We all know, life can take it out of you! But that, I suppose, is my point: if we are intentional about living in a way that gives all of our lives to Him, we can develop a habit of including in our surrender the little stuff we sometimes think we can handle on our own. And, in doing that, we are freed up to live beyond ourselves. As I grow in my own personal spiritual walk, I'm learning this more and more: just because I can doesn't mean I have to, and the more I rely on Him for my strength and direction - no matter how trivial the matter - the freer I am, and the more capacity I have to live into His Spirit. He is ready to wear our yokes - and not just the heavy ones. For myself, I will be trying to remember that as I walk into the world today!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Daily Proof

Sometimes, when God gives me direction, I know it's Him; both message and messenger are crystal clear. Sometimes, I even obey without a moment's hesitation. :)

At other times, I think it's His voice. Or, sometimes, I feel fairly sure it's His voice, but I'm not entirely clear on what exactly He's saying. I know I'm not alone in these communication challenges. I say "challenges", because, for me, it's challenging! I've joked before that if God would just send me an email, I'd be more than happy to do everything He asks! Email is clear, legible and often concisely written (unless it's an email from me, in which case all bets are off; brevity is not my strong suit!). But, for whatever reason (I'm sure we can each guess at a couple), that's not how He usually operates.

I've been thinking about this delayed gratification today; there are plenty of good reasons for it. And it's not my job tonight to be guessing at the reasoning of God. But here is what I do know: I also have plenty of reason to trust that the confirmation, the affirmation and the clarity I crave are coming. God may not always send bulleted list via email, but He is not lacking in communication skills - or methods! It's been my experience that when I move forward prayerfully and with a surrendered heart, I always get the information I need. When certain roadblocks come up, the Spirit whispers inside me, "press on." Yet, other diversions sometimes produce sometime more like, "When you're in His will, things aren't this hard." I can't explain it, and I certainly can't articulate it. And, love Him as He is, we all know there are no rules we can use to box Him in.

The point is just this: when I doubt, or feel unclear in my pursuits, I can just trust in His faithfulness. The verse that inspired these thoughts today is Exodus 3:12 which reads, "And God said, 'I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain'" (NIV).

At the insightful & Spirit-led suggestion of a friend, I've been pondering this verse. Moses was given direction, and even a promise for confirmation - but his confirmation wasn't to come until after he'd led them out of Israel! I think about the tough roads I've walked, and all the challenging moments I've lived through - most of which were not accompanied by an explicit promise from God that the end of that situation would bring proof of His companionship through my journey. That said, as I look back on those times and experiences, I am absolutely convinced He was next to me in my inmost; about that, there are no doubts.

Lord, in your abundant wisdom and grace, You teach me to trust even in times where another task seems to be the thing at hand. Help me to learn Your lessons always, and Lord, thank You for never leaving my side. When I am unsure of my footsteps, help me to see Your hand in guidance, and to walk forth in boldness. I can do all things through Christ! Amen.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hearts Cry Out

Although some days are truly amazing, wonderful days - days filled with laughter, excitement, peace and fun, we all have those other days - lonely, frustrating, scary or just plain hard days. The verse below reminded me this morning of a very basic truth:

"And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, 'Abba, Father'" Galatians 4:6 (NLT).

In context with the scriptures on either side of this verse, Paul is writing about what it means to be full sons and to be in relationship with a father. His parallels of earthly father/son (child) relationships are used to demonstrate and better explain what it means to be heirs of the one true Father above.

What spoke to me in this verse today was something just as true, but slightly tangential given the original context. It was the last part of this verse...And it resonated in me, because of those days I wrote about above - days that feel like we're all alone, days that feel like there is something missing and that it was never meant to be this way. I say "feel" with intention, because those of us in Christ are never alone, and believers or not, we are never outside the loving heart of our God's care and concern. But, let me be honest, be that as it may, I certainly have had days - sometimes long stretches of them - that felt very, very alone. And that's what this verse said to me: it is precisely because I am His daughter that when I forget to cry out for Him, and forget to stay close to Him, I do feel alone. His Spirit is in our hearts, and that is what prompts us to long for His presence in our lives.

Now, just to be clear, I do not mean to say that if we're hurting or feel lonely or sad, we're not doing a "good job" of calling out to God. All I'm saying is that the ache that emanates in those times is about separation from God, which, as is often said, is the very definition of sin. It's because of sin in the world, and because of sin in our own fleshly nature that we experience the gut wrenching pain of certain things in life. And please know, I don't write this as a Biblical scholar or even Biblically knowledgeable person. I consider myself an absolute novice, just trying to learn through His word and the Spirit in me. But, from what I can tell (so far! I may disagree with myself in a couple years!), this is part of what's implicit truth in this verse. We cry out to Him, and we're caused to do so precisely because He is our Father.

So, what I can take from this for myself today is that when I feel lonely, when I feel that distance and isolation, I must remember that it is just another way for Him to remind me to lean on Him, to seek His face and, of course, His grace. All hurting and pain cannot be stopped in this lifetime; it's the nature of a fallen world. BUT, I have never felt pain and sorrow that wasn't eased or accompanied by greater peace when I sought His presence in the midst of it. And all that said, I don't know about you, but even amidst a very joyful time in my life, I'm sure I can use the reminder.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Great Delight & Rejoicing

Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The Lord your God is with you, he is might to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" (NIV).

Can you imagine?!? The Lord God most high is going to take great delight in us! He is going to rejoice over us!?! Is it just me, or does that not seem just a little bit backward? I suppose that's the great part; just as I can delight in Him (and, Lord, thank You! I have many reasons to do so), He can delight in me. And, seriously, doesn't that just make you want to delight in Him all the more?!

And just as we join together in corporate and private worship, signing our little hearts out, He, too, rejoices over us. It may be a little silly, but I can't help but picture myself in church, my church family surrounding me and all of us lifting up our voices as we rejoice over Him with singing. And, friends, don't you think it's possible that He might just rejoice over us in that moment all the more? It's like a little rejoicing and singing fest between us and our Lord. I am feeling a little silly today, but nonetheless, the thought makes me smile! I hope He is smiling too!

This verse from Zephaniah is so rich! I know many of us are familiar with the phrase "Might to Save" thanks to some great worship music. And there is rich promise in those words too! Not to mention the promises that He is with us, and will quiet us with His love. What an amazing God we serve; in one teenie verse, we are given so much promise, so much adoration and affirmation! Only a God like Him could inspire such words and wonder!

It's a beautiful day here in Kansas City - cold, but beautiful! I hope your heart can rejoice with me today in absorbing the pure love of His adoration and delight in us!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Keeping it Simple

Sometimes I need it to be really. I feel like it's probable that God, in His kindest tone, is sometimes probably talking to me in a really, really slow voice... maybe even that slow and loud voice we all seem to use when we're talking to people that we're pretty sure have zero comprehension of what we're saying. Sometimes, that person who just doesn't "get it" is me. Actually, lots of times...

I know I've written a lot about my fear; I have a lot of fear. And I KNOW that the antidote is believing God - believing all He says. So, as I strive to believe more and ever more, sometimes I need a really simple, straightforward reminder. (And I am SO grateful that the Word provides both deeply complex and stirring food for thought in addition to that which is sometimes best read in a slow and loud voice). ;) Better yet, sometimes those two passages are one-and-the-same. Here's what I needed today:

"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one" 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV).

You may note, as I did, that no where in that clean, crisp sentence is the word "maybe" used. Nor does it refer to "sometimes" or "if you're lucky." He is FAITHFUL. Period. He WILL strengthen and protect us from the only enemy we really have. He strengthens and protects us. He strengthens and protects me. He strengthens and protects you.

Thank You, Lord. Let this sweet word simmer and live deeply in my heart; help me to believe and to know in every fiber of my being. You are faithful; I praise You! You strengthen me! I thank You! You protect me! May my walk along the protected path bring You glory! I love You, Lord! Thank You!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

HIS Power?

I was talking with a beloved friend earlier this evening about accepting God's power as our source of strength. In all honesty, friends, I will confess that while I am "pretty good" at looking to God's Word for my standard of living, and looking to His will for my strategy in each day, I tend to look to Him for strength when, and only when, I am out of other options.


I'm not saying this to sound brash or bold, and I don't say it lightly. I am terribly self-reliant, and God has been convicting my heart with this fact and working on this with me in recent weeks. In regular practice, I turn to Him only as a last resort. And yet, not only is this not the way my life is supposed to be lived, it's not the way it has to be lived! And let me tell you, if you haven't tried living on your own steam, I can assure you that you shouldn't! It makes life really, really hard!

Habakkuk 3:19a says, "The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights..." (NIV).

I might suggest that you just let that sink in a little bit. This, I think, is my favorite part: "he enables me to go on the heights." Ah... let your imagination capture that one. That's what life in the Spirit is about; living beyond what I can do on my own. The subtle trick, however, is that I don't only have to rely on Him when I am all tapped out. I can begin there. I can start with His power and let it carry me through, and not only through, but also far beyond where I could go when I start out on my own steam.

Don't we all want to go to the heights? Whatever that may mean for you, don't you thirst for it? Whether it be the Freedom of fully victorious life in Christ, or the ability to forgive supernaturally or love supernaturally, or even to just laugh with the joy that comes from not having to try so darn hard... don't you just want it? Friends, I am starting to believe with some certainty that one of the keys to that life, the life He intended for us to live, is in letting Him be our source for strength...and our only source, not just a back up.

I wish I had something more profound and "wise" to say about this; but as much as any thing I've written, this is a lesson I need to absorb and let dwell richly in my own heart.

Lord, show us what You want us to see; point us where You want us to go. I praise You and thank You for giving us what we need. Help us learn to not only accept, but to throw wide the floodgates and accept You as the foundational power for our life... Lord, life my heart up to the heights...I wanna live in the heights, Lord. I believe You, God, for my strength. Help me let go and receive Your precious gifts of love. I love You, Lord! I love You so!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Old Stuff

It seems the Lord is running with a theme of new insight into familiar passages with me these days. I've had another "a ha" moment while reflecting on a scripture that's probably familiar to many of us:

"Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (MSG).

It's a passage about new life.... I must share that my own tendency has been to think of this in very simple terms. We get a "do-over" with God. The slate is clean and we start fresh in His eyes. Or, at least, that's the way in which I've thought of it for the most part. I've thought that it indicated change, and starting from a new foundation - and, of course, it does, but what I haven't really pondered ever is all that can be included in that. New life means all of it. Every single element of my life

This verse affirms for us that we are given the gift of ultimate liberty. Not that it isn't the "ultimate" gift, but this verse extends far beyond eternal salvation. This reminds me that I can let go of my old beliefs - about the world, about God even... and especially, about myself. I can release my old and existing fears. Friends, there are so many fears that cycle through my thinking; so many familiar voices trying to get a spot on the main stage. This verse fortifies me as I allow rebuke the enemy in His name.

I am made new in His. Hallelujah, but more than only that, my life is made new. In her study about the fruit of the spirit, Beth Moore talks about how God doesn't just want to change our lives; He wants to change our days. Amen! By that same token, He isn't only a God of eternal salvation. Don't get me wrong; He is that... but, please hear my heart when I say that He is also SO MUCH MORE. And there is more!

I think sometimes we "in the church" feel pressured to concern ourselves only with the heavenly things. The things of eternal vision are important, the most important. And, my daily life is on my radar too; I'd be lying if I tried to pretend otherwise. And I don't think that it makes me less set-apart or Godly minded to acknowledge that. Our lives on earth are a large part of our current experience. Praise God that it's not the limit of our experience... but it is still part of my today!

Jesus was concerned with the heavenly, of course. He was also concerned in intimate ways with the daily. Bless His loving heart for just that! So, for me today, I'm letting this verse soak into me beyond the eternal. I'm remembering that not only am I not bound to this earth in the larger sense, but I am no longer bound to the fears and failures of yesterday - even the tiny ones. I am a new creation. God, help me not to limit what that really means.

Friends, He's the One who dreamed the earth and everything in it into existence. Let Him re-create You in ways that are just as profound; it's part of the gift!

Love you, Lord! You are SO good!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Idea about an Old Notion

So, I set out today to find some verses just reminding me that He is protecting me, and my path. He was speaking into my heart last night, and we were talking about fear - my fear. I have a lot of it sometimes. And my human nature wants to provide a laundry list of all the areas in my life about which I'd like specific and dramatic promises. I want Him to take each one separately and foster a life-shaking moment that will help me to be "sure" that He's really going to walk with me in the specific area, and that He'll protect those things He's promised to me. And my human heart doesn't just want a general promise of His goodness; it wants certainty.

And as I type that, I am reminded that "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1 (NIV). And as I type that, I am reminded that our sermon topic this weekend was about walking by faith. I nodded right along. Ha ha. How easily and quickly (and frequently) my faith-steps falter!

So, in my searching, I found some verses, and I do appreciate those reminders. But what I caught out of the corner of my eye was a snippet of 1 Corinthians 13 - you know, the famous "Love is" passage. My heart was convicted in the moment...

Love. He loves me. That much I know; most moments, I'm even totally convinced of it. And He loves me with that special love that 1 Corinthians 13 talks about.... The part of the passage that jumped out to me today was a section overlapping 2 verses: Love... "it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" 1 Corinthians 13:7-8a (NIV).

It always protects. He always protects, because He always loves. And love, His Love, it never fails. Yes, there are verses out there that speak to certain fears, and remind me that He is my shield and light. But today, to put it simply, I was just reminded that He LOVES. And love - the kind of the Lord - it always protects. ALWAYS protects. Me. He is my protector, my warrior God, my mighty Lord. He is mighty to save, and I am His precious daughter. And He loves me. His love never fails; it never lets me drop.

Lord, Father, Abba-daddy, please help me with my unbelief. You never change. Your Word and Your Love are eternal. Your love always protects. Your love cannot fail. You cannot fail me. Lord, as Your word tells us, we do not wage war as the world does - and AMEN! I feel myself so easily grabbed by spirits of fear, and spirits of doubt. Lord, I rebuke them in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Lord, Lord, help me with my unbelief! Help my heart to remember and to know that You always protect me, and You always love me and that there is no break in that protection. Those things that You have given to my heart are mine to accept, as long as I believe in the gift of the Giver. Help me believe, Lord. Thank You for Your love!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 and His Promise

This new year, 2009, started for me with a promise from the Lord, "I have come for you." I guess it's really more of a statement of fact than a promise. He has come. For me.

This year, for many reasons, already holds the promise to be something incredible for me. First of all, God is good. Good good good, and each year seems to convince my heart of that more. The net result, of course, is that each and every season grows into something that's somehow better than the one before - even with the struggles and challenges that are a part of life. But, more than that, He has been speaking to me....

I was talking to a woman at church one evening who was telling me about how God had "just given her her word for 2009." I thought, "Hey, I want a word for 2009!" And, so, a few days later, God provided. And this is what He said, "I have come for you."

Then, within days, I came across this verse:

“…say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.’” Isaiah 35:4 (NIV)

And this, my friends, was my first memory verse for 2009 (although, I admit, I don't have it fully memorized yet!). I'd been experiencing some waves of fear, and I know this was God's word to my heart - reinforcing and reminding me of the only thing I really need to know.

He is God. And God is big. And better still, He is my God. And your God! And He is for us. And, what strikes me even more, He's not just coming, He's coming with vengeance. We don't fight against small opponents, but none can stand a chance.

I need saving all the time. Jesus Christ is my savior - but it's not a one time deal. My eternal salvation, yes. I made that decision a long time ago, but in the daily days of life, I need saving on a fairly consistent basis. He has come. To the enemy - watch out!

In the coming weeks & months, this blog is sure to undergo an evolution of sorts. I took two weeks off at the start of the year, and in that time, definitely got the message that I'm to continue. The format and general approach is still getting smoothed out. I just feel like I'm supposed to write and keep doing this, so I will. Thanks for hanging in there with me!