Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finding a New Testimony

I used to think of "my testimony" as a single, long story about what my life looked like before I really met Jesus, and what it looks like now. I've decided, however, that thinking of it this way really sells short the amazing work God has done, and continues to do in my life.

At one point, I realized I might actually have a couple testimonies. Maybe one about my victory over such-and-such stronghold, and my coming to peace over this area of my life or that relationship. Even this though, I think, doesn't allow for maximum potential to be reached.

If the word "testimony" is as related to the word "testify" as it seems to be, it's really just me telling about what has happened, right? Well, I don't know about anyone else, but for me, there is always something happening inside me. Sure, there are also the stories about my world... developments with this project at work, new challenges in that relationship at home, or this ministry at church and so on, and so forth. However, I think that behind or between and sometimes around these different storylines, there's always another, more personal story being worked out in me. Where am I at with my own sense of insecurity? What's moving inside me relative to how well and how thoroughly I trust the Lord? How has my understanding of God's providence and faithfulness really changed? When I start looking at these bigger, thematic type issues, I realize that each story about my outer world just folds into a larger story about my inner world. That is, if you'll indulge me with such language that's simultaneously abstract and concrete all at once. The nature of language, I guess. :)

So, when I am considering this topic of "finding a new testimony," I don't have to make it hard. I just have to look at the stories that are always at work in me. He is so awesome in that way; there are more levels than me & my little human pea-brain can understand. I cannot wait to get to heaven, sit by His side, and listen to His wisdom. I'm sure there will be ever more layers and stories revealed.

So, seriously, even in the midst of what may be a painful or difficult season in your life, I would be willing to bet money that God is also writing a new testimony for you - a good one. What new testimony might you have to share if you thought of it that way too? I think it's fair to say that the primary purpose of having a testimony in the first place is to bring glory to God. I'm sure He has a story in you that someone else needs to hear. He loves us that much!

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