Saturday, April 4, 2009


I heard someone talking about Isaiah 6:3-4 yesterday. I happen to love the larger passage here; there is something about this calling of Isaiah that speaks to me and humbles me in a way I simply cannot articulate. For now, however, let's stick to the topic at hand.

Speaking of his vision of the Lord surrounded by seraphs, Isaiah writes, "And they were calling to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.' At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke" Isaiah 6:3-4 (NIV).

Please take a minute and just let this picture fill your mind. The Lord is seated at His throne. The train of His very robe fills the temple. There are seraphs all around Him, attending Him and honoring His holiness. They're flying above Him.

Now add the sound... they are calling to one another... "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is filled with His glory." I really cannot even begin to imagine what the voice of the seraphs must sound like, but I bet it's astounding. Can you imagine? Whatever He has created to serve Him, to sing around herald out the call of His Truth. Wow.

Well, as I let this scene stew within you, let me tell you what popped into my head as I was soaking it in last night: "Why do we expect so little of God?"


It stopped me cold.

But, really, it's an apropos question. This is GOD. The King of Heaven and earth. His holiness inspires the flight and heralding praise of the seraphs. The seraphs who, themselves, have voices that cause doorposts and thresholds to shake. At the sound of their praise, smoke fills this holy room in Isaiah's vision. And all of that, I think it's safe to say, is likely not because of the awesomeness of the seraphs themselves, but because of the awesomeness of the Lord whose truth they are proclaiming.

This is our God.

Even if we fail to consider all the incredible miracles He's performed... the parting of entire seas, the salvation of our entire world, the creation of the universe... you know, there are just a few awesome thing He's done. But even if we fail to consider that. And, for fun, let's just say we each take a moment to wipe from our minds the personal proofs I suspect we each have of His amazing and faithful lovingkindness at work in our own hearts and minds. Let's say we just forget all that too. Even so... friends, even so. The seraphs are inspired to circle over His throne and should the holiness of His very being....

So, even with this one tiny snapshot, I can find myself overcome with awe. This is my God.

And yet, my question still stands. With all this in consideration, how is it that I sometimes expect so little of Him?


I wish I could say this question were irrelevant in my own life. Although, to that end, I can say that it is far less relevant than it used to be. Only by His amazing grace can I honestly say that I expect far more from Him than ever before. I expect abounding love, bountiful mercy and faithful love. Usually.

Yet, when I walk through this life with my self-involved glasses on (which I tend to do quite frequently), I can sometimes get so worried and so lost in my own fear. What about my life? What about my dreams? What about my plans? And, really, I can even all worried about the fulfillment of His dreams, His plans and His vision for my life! Even then, I worry. Even then, I fear. I don't know how to articulate this except to say that I am expecting so little from such a not-little God. And that prompts from me a heavy sigh.

I don't know if this operates the same way in your life, but in mine, I see this as just another sign of unbelief. I fail to believe that the God who inspires trembling doorposts and the flight of seraphs is the same God who is watching me sleep each night, listening to every breath of my quiet prayers and using His very own hand to guide the steps of my day. He IS the same God. And when I think of it in such explicit context, I know that and "remember" it of course. But I don't always live in the knowledge of it. I don't live into that truth.

I ask today for more belief, Lord. I ask for the truth of You to seep further and further into my expectation of each and every moment of each and every day. Help me expect nothing less than Your absolutely wonder. Help my daily life to shudder in awe of You, and to remember, at the same time, that You are for me. I could never deserve such a gift. Thank You, Lord! Thank You!

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