Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Patterns & Patterned After...

I've had a couple experiences lately that have left me thinking about the power of patterns in our lives.

Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you?

"Well, this is how it always goes..."

"This sort of just always happens to me..."

"This is kind of the way my life is..."

"That's just a part of my life..."

"Oh, my family is just like that..."

"Yeah, we have a family history of this..."


Look, what I have to say about this is plain and simple: patterns are real; yes. They exist; true. There are family histories and generational bonds that pass from one to another; there are stories in our lives that we do sometimes seem to keep repeating. And I believe that there is often purpose and value in the repetition (I know I've needed a few "tries" to learn some lessons myself!). However, what is essential to understand about ANY pattern is that all can be overcome by the One after whom we are patterned.

We are made in His image; He is not only the Healer, the Redeemer, the Restorer and the Deliverer, He is also the Creator. He made you; He designed every bit of who you are, and He can take you apart and put you back together in the blink of an eye if it furthers His purpose.

What I've found is that we, as a fallen people, are so easily swayed into believing that which we can see with our own two hands. And, if you're like me, you may have a lot of experience with patterns. Our own personal histories are one of the truest things in our experience, but please, let me encourage you: God is truer and far more powerful.

Generations of alcohol abuse? Decades of damaging relationships? A family tree dripping with resentment, or even something culturally labeled as less potent? Maybe sarcasm? Maybe passive aggressiveness? Maybe a simple lack of intimacy? What are the things that you unconsciously accept as "just the way it is," simply because they make up the bulk of the way it's "always" been?

Thankfully, God's concept of "always" and possibilities in Him are bigger and more than we can conceive. It's okay (and sometimes good!) to recognize the patterns in your life; it can be helpful to be aware of the tendencies or predispositions that may be a part of your flesh's make up. However, if you believe more in their fortitude and permanence than you believe in the power of an almighty and unendingly adoring Father, you cut Him off at the knees. His belief is what He requires of you most.

I truly believe (and am living proof) that overcoming many of our struggles hinges on truly believing that He is bigger and more powerful against those patterns against which we fight. My own path to true freedom in Christ has been paved by incremental destruction of the lies that Satan whispers into my ear about the inevitability of my hardships and failures. They are lies, and remembering that makes all the differences. Remembering that should inspire us to action; it should inspire us to fight.

And more so, please remember this:

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

Believing Him is the pathway to our greater good; there is little of which I could be more convinced. But above that, He deserves our belief and our faith simply because of who He is. Pleasing Him is part of why we're here, if not all of why we're here. So please, lay the foundation of belief. And if that in and of itself is your struggle (a struggle to which any regular reader knows I can relate!), then remember the example of the father in Mark 9. This is one of my favorite stories in the Bible:

As a desperate father comes to seek help for his possessed son, he explains to Jesus, "'It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!'

And Jesus said to him, "'If You can?' All things are possible to him who believes."

Immediately the boy's father cried out and said, "I do believe; help my unbelief." Mark 9:22-24(NASB)

Truly, friends, this is one of my most common and most fervent prayers: "I believe, I believe; please help me with my unbelief!" Believe more in Him than in your history, and if that is hard, let Him help you. All you need to do is ask; He is faithful and will help you. That is a promise you can stand on; it's His.

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