Saturday, July 25, 2009

Change & Changed

I'm pretty sure that most of us come to God quite frequently asking Him to change us. Many of us came to the Lord for the first time, in fact, seeking the kind of change that can be brought about only by His power.

Yet, as I've noticed in myself at times, it seems like we want God to change the parts of our lives and our selves that we offer up, but can sometimes resist His hand of change in other areas.

So, I had to start asking some basic questions:

What does it really mean to have our lives changed? Are we willing to really have our lives changed? Many of us seek God because we want our lives changed...but, somehow, we expect that to happen without change in our lives.

What am I, personally, willing to let go of, in order for His priorities for change to be accomplished? Or, more importantly, what am I not willing to release? And, if there's anything on that list, am I at least willing to have Him make me willing to surrender that too?

For me, I think this is a good gut-check to undergo periodically. How about you?

The point is that my relationship with God is in large part about change, and not just any change, but revolution...just as much as revelation. He came to change the fate of each one of us - and not just to adjust it or tweak it a bit, but to up-end the father of lies and his reign here on earth. He came to give me eternal life rather than condemnation to certain death. I'd say that's pretty major in the category of changes.

Yet, sometimes, I get comfy in my life. I like my job; I like my friendships. I don't want to "mess up" my schedule or my routine. *sigh* I think that, in this frame of mind, I'm missing a big part of the point. Isn't that just it? When God wants to change me or change my life and my routine, I do sometimes tend to think of it as Him "messing up" my plans. Yikes. That feels icky just to type it; but, it's still true.

And, truthfully, when I stop and examine it, I know there's nothing I need more than to have my plans all sorts of messed up. When have I ever let go of my plan, and embraced His and then, later, regretted it? Never. That's when; never. His plan is ALWAYS better than mine.

And, truthfully, I ask for His change in my heart and in my life all the time. So, how dare I recoil when, in response to my prayers for a heart more focused on service, He totally up-ends my professional life and gives me tons of time...maybe He's just giving me the time to get my servants heart in gear (act my way into right thinking, rather than trying to think my way into right acting). Maybe, just maybe, He's waiting on me!

I do think the old adage of "be careful what you wish for" can be applied here; but, at the same time, I think we can ask in boldness and confidence, because Him of who we ask it is trustworthy. If anything, I need to be careful about my tendency to ask for Him to rock my world, and then run for cover when a few pebbles shake off the walls.

Lord, if that's what it takes, flip me upside down. I wanna be like You. I want to chase after the dreams that YOU have dreamed for me. Help me to surrender in peace every inch of my life to Your will and plans. Your way is the only way I want to go. Help me, lead me, guide me, change me!

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