Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have a word that I feel God put on my heart for the blog today. It's direct and it's bold, so I admit that I'm feeling a teeny bit bashful. However, I believe it's Biblical and sound. So, here it is.

If there is an imbalance in your life and you give more than you allow God to fill you, you WILL wear out. That is NOT the way we were designed. It's not the way He made us to work. We step in and redirect His plan for our lives when we give too much and don't receive enough. It is by its very nature, telling God that your way is better than His, no matter how noble your motives may be. It's sin.

If you are willing to give your time to the church, to other people and to good efforts, that really is wonderful. BUT, we are instructed to give our first portions to the Lord. Give the first portion of your time today. It doesn't have to be an hour; it doesn't have to be even half an hour. Just take some time and give it to Him. He's craving you, and if you give Him a chance to reach you, you'll learn to crave Him more and more too.

Service is part of the heart of God, but if you do not create time to connect to the heart of God , your service will not be all He could allow it to be. Be a vessel; please. But let the Captain spend time with your ship before you try to sail the seas.

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