Thursday, June 11, 2009

Getting Outside

Ever have one of those days where all you can think about is your frustrating day, your tedious to-do list and your looming fears?

Well, there's a magic trick that will help dispel all your "ick" on a day like that. What is it?


Jesus advocated servanthood in many instances, not to mention by way of His own example. It's been my experience that in addition to the patent benefit of obedience, choosing the way of the servant does wonders to clear my head.

In this particular context, I'm speaking most directly about the types of service that are really about me getting outside of myself, outside of my own head. Engaging with someone else, listening to their concerns, or sharing in their joys... both are equally effective. Earnest intercessory prayer on behalf of others also has worked miracles in combating my own self-absorption.

I am definite in my belief that obeying God's word and following Jesus' example have benefits far beyond the obvious; I just wanted to share with you something I consider to be another of those unexpected gifts, birthed out of obedience and surrender to His ways.

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