Saturday, June 6, 2009


For most of us, this is a word we hear a lot. It might be every Sunday, once a month, or even more often.

So, tonight, while praying, I felt like God said I should write about communion. So, here I am.

I started by doing what many of you won't be surprised to know I did: I started looking at the word itself.

There's actually only one word that the KJV that gets translated as communion. As you read these words, please do so slowly, and keep in mind the act of taking communion. Let it bring new meaning to what often becomes a rote activity.

Communion means: partnership. It means literally participating. It means communication and fellowship. It implies recognizing and enjoying common experience. It means being a part of the thing that is in process. It even implies contribution.

Think of that.

When we take the elements, when we drink the juice and eat those tiny crackers, we are, per His direction, contributing. We are joining into joint action with Him. I'm not sure, theologically, all the ways that might play out, and I don't mean to say that we are participating directly in the sacrifice and redemption accomplished by Jesus (and Him alone). But my part is in the choosing to accept the terms of the new covenant. And when I take communion, I am affirming and reconfirming my decision to be under the terms of the new covenant. And that means all the terms. Yes, the grace. Yes, the love. But also the rules. Also the directions. It is all part and parcel, and when I take that juice into my mouth, I am making an agreement, again and again.

And because of that decision, I get true communion. I get to be with Him. Think about that. We get to be with Him. Seriously: amazing.

So, next time you take communion, remember what you're doing, and let the majesty of the moment impress itself upon you. He gives us an incredible opportunity, and He gives us the opportunity to re-experience it, and participate again over and over. What a good God we serve.

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