Saturday, June 20, 2009

Real Relationship

I was writing about this topic for another purpose, and thought it might be something worthwhile to share here.

My relationship with God is a real relationship.

Okay, great...but what does that mean? It means that sometimes there are times when I am practically googly eyes over Him. It means there are times when I am frustrated with Him, annoyed with Him or even angry at Him. It also means that there are times when I just like hanging out with Him, and don't have strong feelings one way or another. In truth, the frequency of each of these feelings is pretty similar to the other major relationships in my life.

And just like those relationships - my boyfriend, my close friends, my parents, etc - when I don't make time to talk with Him or even just be with Him, I feel less close to Him. And when I put a concerted effort into making time for quality time with God, and create space in my mind and heart for Him, we get closer. I learn more about Him; I learn to love Him more, and appreciate Him more for who He is.

We are blessed to have not only the Bible as a written record of His words, but also the Holy Spirit to bring us the opportunity for personal connection. Don't waste the opportunity. Like any relationship, you have to participate. But it's well worth it!

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