Friday, June 26, 2009

Salt & Light

I went into today with very clear direction from my Father: Be salt and light in the world today.

Well, like a lot of what I call "Christian jargon," it isn't immediately apparent to me what exactly that means.

What does that look like? What does it entail? How do I obey?

Well, in asking that, God is good and provided another answer in the puzzle pieces I'm always trying to fit together: Jesus is the light of the world.

What I heard in this today was that if I try to go be salt & light, and I try to go on my own power, my own volition, my own resolve and gumption, then I will fail. Jesus is the source. Jesus is not only the light of the world; to shine light, I must shine His light. Never leave home without it.

And Jesus is not only the light of the world, but also the one who shares with us the gift of living water. I know there are many levels of understanding regarding the urging to be salt in the world. My personal favorite is just a simple reminder that salt makes people thirsty. And when they drink of Him, they will never thirst again.

So, I went into my day today remember to let all shining be His job, and to just be a conduit, a prism that His light can reflect through. I also went in remembering that the way I live does have the ability to heighten another person's thirst for Truth, their thirst for Him. I can't do it without Him, but I can be intentional about asking Him to help and purposeful and willing in how I live out my day. There is no more worthy cause.

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