Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rain on my Parade

So, here's a question for you: what does it take to ruin your day?

I started thinking about this while talking with a good friend about a day that should have been celebratory for her. It wasn't...and she shared that she chose to remember that "this is the day that the Lord hath made; rejoice and be glad in it!" as her mantra for the day. I thought it was a simple but (often) needed reminder.

This day - regardless of its happenings - IS the Lord's day. And the Bible commands us to give thanks continually, and to rejoice! It's His day. And even if it gives me a headache, one day in His hands truly IS better than a thousand lived in any other way.

I look back on my life "before," and I marvel at how much happier and more peaceful I am on an overall basis. Don't get me wrong; I have days and moments. I feel hurt and angry and fearful and anxious just like everyone else. But, on the whole, living a day in a way that remembers that it's His day makes every day go better. It's not about feeling better or hoping it's better. It's about knowing that it IS better. He is faithful, friends. Always. And to the end of the age.

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