Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Shield & the Sword

So, I've been thinking about the proverbial sword & shield lately. I feel like the Lord is trying to teach me something here, and I think I might be starting to "get" it. As of right now, here's what I'm understanding...

Let's make an assumption that I think we can agree to fairly universally - that the Word isn't accidentally thrown together, that the specific word choices aren't haphazard and that there's meaning on a multitude of layers in what is written there.

So, let's think about a couple things... first of all, the Bible is clear. "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" Ephesians 6:11 (NIV). That's pretty clear. Not only is it clear instruction about what we're to do, but also the why. And, if the direct command of God isn't enough for ya, consider the impact in your own life.

I was thinking of this concept within the context of the provided metaphor: war. Now, to be fair, I'm no military expert - far from it. But, there are a few things that make sense to me sort of intuitively.

In training for battle, I need to be very clear on the tools I have protecting me: the shield of faith is one in this example (Ephesians 6:16). I think that I, personally, have put much effort into and focus on my own faith in recent years. God has been working on unbelief in my life, and teaching me how to hold up my shield; I want to extinguish every one of those flaming arrows, friends!

That said, if I were a military soldier going into any battle, I'd be quite foolish (and ill-equipped) if I'd given no thought to my opponent. Likewise, I'd better be very clear on what my weapons for proactive protection are... and not only what they are, but how they're best used. The sword in the Bible's instructive analogy is that of the Spirit, defined in the text as the Word.... The Bible itself is my weapon.

For today, I take two important points from this: 1) I am intended to fight. If all I was intended to do was sit by and pray for protection, or passively avoid trouble as best I could, I wouldn't need a sword. I'd be quite set with my shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness and helmet of salvation. But there's more to this passage, and that, I must believe, has purpose. This leads me to my second point:

2) As is affirmed in many places throughout the Word, the Word has power. It's alive and active. And if I allow it only to be salve to my wounds or encouragement for my heart, I'm missing part of its incredible power. Now, don't get me wrong; I need salve for my wounds, and Lord knows, I need encouragement for my heart - daily! But I am starting to believe that the Lord is showing me a new truth for my own personal life: Although I praise God daily for the ways in which I walk in victory today (strongholds, friends, that I once feared would own me forever), there is more there for me and for any believer. We are called to be more than overcomers, and there is an effective tool - THE effective tool sitting at my bedside, riding around within my purse, and available at every turn that I barely know how to hold. Like any sword, there is a better way to handle it, a skilled way to use it and wield it for maximum effect.

Lord, I pray that you will tutor my heart, mind and spirit in the ways of effectiveness when it comes to the word. Prepare me for battle, Lord, that I may fight in Jesus' name and live victoriously in my daily battles and those that serve the Kingdom purposes You have called out for me. Thank You, Father, for the amazing ways in which You mold and teach us! I praise Your name of righteousness and truth!!!

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