Friday, February 6, 2009

Helping Jesus

I believe there are many layers of instruction in the Word - and one of the ways in which God speaks to me through it is sometimes in just starting my mind down a path. So, today, I'm going to take you through a little thought-path of mine. Hopefully I can navigate through without losing any passengers!

I started with this verse:

"The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him" Genesis 2:18 (NIV).

I hear good instruction in this verse - a reminder that as a wife someday, my role is to be a helper to my husband. I'm sure pages and pages could be written about what it really means to be a helper, not to mention the fact that I'd love to take some time to pull apart the word "suitable" here, but that will have to be for another day. For today, I started thinking about the role of the wife. I also wondered, as I felt led to write on this verse, what information there is in it for someone who may never be married, or for a husband or in some other context.

I started thinking about Jesus, and how we (as the church ) are to be His bride. I am no Biblical scholar, nor do I make any claims about authoritative interpretation of the Bible beyond what is trickles into my head after prayerful requests for insight. That said, it made me think about what it might mean to be a suitable helper to Jesus.

Hmmm, interesting thought, isn't it? My first one, quite honestly, was "How can I help Jesus?!? He's Jesus! And I'm just me!" I'm pretty stinkin' clear that I need His help; I'm not sure I've ever given thought before to the idea of helping Him in some way.

So then I thought about Jesus and His attitude toward the poor; I remembered His words in Matthew 25 encouraging care for the poor, the weakened and the prisoner. Specifically, I remembered "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Ah, yes. Unconditional love and giving. Of course that helps Jesus!

Just like a mother or good friend feels personally helped when her child or friend is helped by someone else, so does Jesus. He loves each and every one of us that much - that when we help them, especially the "least" of them, we help Him too.

This is a simple concept (I never claimed anything more!), but valuable. It's just another reminder; the ways I act and the things I do, I do not do without an audience. And, beyond that, when I do His will and walk in His ways, I give back exponentially more than I can understand, because the power I get from Him also has the potential to be amplified and used by Him in ways I may never understand.

I hope to be a very good wife to my earthly husband someday. And for now and always, I will remember that I can and am called to helping Jesus in His pursuit of salvation, love and grace for all.

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