Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love and What it Looks Like

I'm going to keep this brief... it's late, and I think what I have to say is best kept simple anyway.

The Bible says that people we know we are His by the fruit we bear in and through our lives.

And, although I don't have a particular scripture reference that comes to mind, I think general consensus would agree that part of our purpose (if not our entire purpose) in this life is to bring glory and honor to His name.

So, might it not follow then that the love we share and the love we experience in our lives should point us to Him? And, perhaps, by some extension, prompt those who watch us and see our lives to look to Him too?

Here's what I know. I had an amazing day today. I, really, have an amazing life. It's not an exaggeration to say that, at some points, the state of my life humbles me so much that I find myself crying on my knees. I really, really have a life that, truly friends, I don't think I ever believed I could.

Today, I got on my knees and prayed repentance over my unbelief in the good things He has planned for me. I asked for forgiveness for the lack of certainty I've had over where He would direct me to go. Each and every thing He gives me (all of which I'm more and more able to receive as I draw closer to Him) is better - FAR better - than what I ever could have dreamed up for myself.

This isn't particularly cohesive. And, apparently, that's okay. But what I want to say tonight is that I know His imprint is in my life when the life I live makes me want to turn to Him in praise. And the more I turn to Him in praise, the more I see that imprint in my life. It's a strange thing, relationship... but, in some ways, my relationship with Him is very similar to the others in my life. Or, more likely, since the pattern tends to follow its designer, my other relationships bear a striking resemblance to the relationship He's teaching me to have with Him. The more I love Him (and love is an action), the more I love Him. And the I love Him, the more I love in general. And the more I love, the more love I receive. And the more love I receive, the more I have to give. To Him, and to all those He loves. It's a crazy thing... but I have feared running out of so many things; I used to live in a constant terror of not having enough. But what I'm learning is that, in Him - when I let HIM be the source (the only source), love flows in abundance. And if that isn't the essence of Him, I don't know would be.

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