Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Specific Word

While I'd love to be able to quote a concise few verses here for you today, the basis for today's writing is actually two full chapters of the Bible. So, on your own, I'll encourage you to read 2 Kings 18 & 19; it tells quite a great story!

There's some potentially important nuance to the story, but the short version (and basis for my writing today) is this: The king of Assyria, Sennacherib, comes to those guarding Jerusalem and basically says, "You're fools for depending on the Lord. He can't save you from us; we're powerful! Don't listen to Hezekiah. Come join our side!" He goes onto say that the Lord has actually instructed him (Sennacherib) to destroy Hezekiah & his people. It's a lie, but it's effective.... the people are afraid. And Hezekiah, it seems, is confused and afraid.

However, Hezekiah goes to the Lord directly in prayer, and also sends some of his staff to see the prophet Isaiah on the matter. To make a long story short, Isaiah comes back with a specific and clear word for Hezekiah, and the long and short of it is: Sennacherib is full of it, and he's messed with the wrong people. I'm gonna make him very, very sorry. The Lord even promises to defend the city Himself, saying He will save it and defend it.


For me, this was a powerful reminder. God does get involved in our personal lives when we let Him. Needless to say (I hope!), God kills Sennacherib through his own sons and further sends death to 185,000 in the Assyrian camp. Yeah, he messed with the wrong God. As I wrote about last week, God is searching for those of us whose hearts are fully committed to Him, and He wants to prove Himself strong on our behalf!

This story relayed an important thing to my heart: God can, will and does speak specific words over specific scenarios in our lives. It's not all over-quoted platitudes about general wellness, leading and grace. Please know that I do not intend to undervalue these broader promises; they are the foundation for all of His promises and much of my own faith! At the same time, there is a different part of my heart that is encouraged to see yet another example of Him getting down and dirty in the details. Hezekiah loved the Lord, and he followed Him in earnest. An enemy (the enemy!) came to call and threaten, and when Hezekiah sought His hand, the Lord came in and whooped up on Sennacherib. End of the day, that's the story. End of the day, that's the point.

He is right here, as close as the air we breathe, and He is more than ready to get involved in the details of our lives. Invite Him in, and make room for Him to work. He may just have a specific promise for YOU!

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