Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For the third time in 24 hours, the question of hope has come up for me, and even I am smart enough to figure out that it means I need to pay attention! Thank You, God, for being willing to be so direct!!! :)

Here's the verse for today: "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 15:13 (NLT).

The last couple of days have been challenging. I've felt that general feeling of "blah" that I so dislike, and my thoughts have been in constant battle with fear and perseverating worries. I felt pretty sure that I was under attack from the enemy; and I know the answer is to battle back with scripture, prayer and faith. I just was feeling a little lost about exactly what that needed to look like.

I asked for clarity about the ground over which I was fighting. I could feel the attack; I just wasn't sure what base was under fire. Turns out, I believe, it was the "hope" base (I should add that it's possible that this is the "base" that's always under attack! At least for me...). I was putting my hope in other places, aside from the Lord alone. It's amazing how subtly and how frequently I can shift away from reliance upon Him. I was putting my hope in a few different places. Not the least of these was my own ability to follow God, and human capability for submitting to Him! It seems perhaps like splitting hairs, but it really is different.

When my safety is rooted in my belief that I can stay close to Him, I am hoping in me. When my sense of safety and peace is grounded in knowing that He always stays close to me, I am hoping in Him. The shift is subtle, but powerful. I was reminded last night that, although the enemy is real and his powers are sometimes strong, I am sided with the One who is stronger than all! And He is for me!

Yes, we are fighting powers of darkness; I have felt that clearly (again) in the last few days. AND, we fight with weapons beyond any darkness. God is the source of hope. ALL hope. He IS hope. If we trust in Him, if I trust in Him, He promises to keep me in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).

I want to overflow in confident hope! That's exactly my heart's desire in all things! I'm so thankful I have the key!

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