Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Letting God Lead

As I begin to write today's thoughts, I am asking God for the ability to clearly convey what He's placed in my heart and mind today. I hope you hear what He intends; I'm putting this in His hands.

I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about, praying about and learning to better understand the ideals of a Biblical marriage. There was a short sermon series on this at my church recently, I've been doing my own study, and I now have a new book to read that addresses exactly this topic. I have a feeling that, especially having come up so "in the world" in my thinking on this topic, that I have a lot to learn.

I am grateful to be learning that a wife's submission to her husband does not mean slavery or subservience, and that, quite the contrary, submission is not about a division of power. It's about a wife coming along her husband, and working with him. In many ways, it is about unity.

As I begin to dive in here, please humor me and let me give a brief disclaimer. First, I am very certain that I am about 2 inches down what is a very long path in terms of this topic. I know practically nothing. For that reason, I'm hesitant to even write this entry! However, as we flush this out, I think it will become clear why I am. Secondly, I'm not even married! I feel a little bit like a sports fan who sits on the couch shouting enthusiastically at the professionals on TV. I'm not sure I can even see the sidelines yet, let alone consider myself a player with any real expertise. So, take those for what you will... I still felt led to write this today. :)

Okay, back to the true topic at hand. What I'm learning is that a husband, as a spiritual leader, is meant to give direction, lovingly, while keeping utmost in his mind what it is that will be best for his wife and his marriage. As I consider what it means to be a wife, for myself, I am starting to see that there is something very, very key in making a decision to let myself be led. It's a yielding of sorts, and, quite frankly, a yielding of the sort that I probably need!

The verse that spoke to me this morning was one in which the Lord speaks through Hosea and refers to Himself as Israel's husband. It reads, "In that day," declares the Lord, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master. '" Hosea 2:16 (NIV). What came to me while I was reading this was this idea of believing that God is not out to make our lives a boring exercise in slave-like subservience. Instead, He is a God that has direction for us so that we can be brought into the greatest possible good. His laws and guidance are not His venue for trying to show that He's the boss; they're His way of trying to save us from ourselves.

This verse made me think about the idea of submitting to the will of God, not because He'll punish us if we don't, but because His will is intended to bring about the greatest good. Of course, He has an ability to do this in a way that an earthly husband may not; after all, He did speak the universe into existence... but the point is still the same. As our husband, the Lord asks us to make a choice to yield absolute control of our own wills to His, but not because He has the power (although He does), but instead, because we - in doing so - affirm that He loves us, and is actively choosing to guide us in ways that are for our greater good.

In choosing to submit to the Lord, I am actively saying, "I believe that You are watching out for me, and that you want what's best for me." In essence, I'm saying, "I trust You." And He's designed a world in which I have that choice to make - that choice of submission, that choice of inherent trust - again and again on an ongoing basis.

As I was just writing here on this blog yesterday, I've found that when I sometimes don't feel the way I think I ought, I can still act as if I do. And that, by doing that, I open myself back up to the feeling. I don't know how that works, but it has been my experience. So, in this context, I am reminded that when I feel afraid of obeying God, when I feel afraid of doing what it is He directs (like writing an entry that parallels marriage as an inexperienced, ignorant single!), I am called to do it anyway. And it is in that action that I learn whatever it is I am meant to learn, and also open up my heart for that fear to disappear and more trust to be grown. And this works because, like Hosea wrote, He is more than just my master. He is my husband.

I love You Lord! Your amazing teachings heal me. Thank You for being THE Way. May I give this day to You in absolute submission, in trust. You are a Holy God! Amen.

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