Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Power to Demolish Strongholds

Oh my friends, it is a wonderfully humbling gift that I have felt led to share with you in these little eSnippets of my own journey. If you've been reading much of this blog at all, you will know that unbelief is a sin with which my heart of hearts struggles, and is a frequent focus of my own prayer and efforts these days.

In a Bible study I am doing, a passage of scripture has come to new light and holds new meaning and power for me. The passage is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Some (or all) of this passage may be very familiar to you. This morning, as I re-read these verses, the middle verse spoke to me in a clear and loud voice: "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" 2 Corinthians 10:4 (NIV). Praise the Lord!!!

When I sometimes reflect on the strongholds and battlegrounds of my life, I admit that I sometimes feel discouraged and uncertain of what outcomes may await. They sometimes seem like such big obstacles, such overwhelming foes... hence, I suppose, the term "stronghold." This verse, though, is perfectly and plainly clear. The weapons with which we fight, with which I fight are bigger and badder and more powerful by far than the weaponry of the world, and by that token, the weaponry of the enemy. THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DEMOLISH STRONGHOLDS. The word translated here as "demolish" translates most literally to "pulling down." And doesn't that seem to fit?

The strongholds and inner-fortresses within me have been built up slowly over years and years of distance from the Lord, fortified by the enemy's lies - which also form the foundation. These strongholds can be pulled down. The word also implies extinction or, in other words, permanence. My heart this morning soars to be reminded by the Holy word of the One that the walls I sometimes feel I'm scrambling to scale can be torn down into nothingness, and stay that way! His power is something beyond comprehension, friends. Join me in believing Him for it today!!!

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