Friday, December 5, 2008

My Weakness is a Gateway

I struggle sometimes with feeling like my fear and my worry are problematic signs of my lack of faith about a certain subject. And, in truth, this weakness and faithlessness is usually a signal that I am not trusting and believing God for something; it does show a lack of true faith in my heart. However, my position this morning is that it may not be such a bad thing after all.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul, speaking of Christ, wrote, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me" 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV). His power is made perfect in my weakness. The Greek word that's translated as "perfect" indicates completion, accomplishment and fulfillment.

In other words, the more weakness I have in and of myself, the more opportunities there are for Jesus to make clear His power in my life. Woo hoo! It may seem silly to celebrate weakness, but the fact of the matter is, I'm weak whether I like it or not. I have many areas in which the enemy tries to get a foothold; he whispers lies into my heart and sometimes he gets that little ground and I feel afraid. I worry about things. I worry about life.

I am learning (albeit slowly sometimes!) that when I feel this fear, I can pray against Satan's lies, and I can ask for protection, strengthening and liberation from One who is far greater than he. However, I can easily be sidetracked by thoughts that I shouldn't be afraid in the first place (another clever tactic of the enemy!). A favorite saying of mine is, "it is what it is." I use that to remind myself that I can't will the past to be different. In essence, what happened 10 seconds ago in my heart - fear, doubt or gloried worship - is not mine to change. It is what it is.

My emotional reactions of fear, or my feelings of doubt are not something within my control. They sometimes pop up out of seemingly no where! What is within my control is how I then act in response. Do I nurture and tend the fear, growing it and stoking the fire of doubt? Or do I take captive my thoughts, pray for a renewing of my mind and a changing of my heart, and then move on in faith that the situations over which I was fearing will be handled rightly and lovingly by my God? Don't get me wrong, there is sometimes a part I also need to play, but surrendering the situation to Him is always a good first step!

My weak moments, my fears, my doubts, my anxieties are efforts by the evil one who pushes constantly for infiltration. Sometimes he gets more ground than others. However, the Word this morning teaches me that they are also so much more. They are opportunities for Glory itself to be made known. I've heard the phrase that "God never wastes a hurt." I love that. The enemy will bring what he can to the table, but none of his attacks are without an option for us to allow God to show us what He's made of.

Lord, I praise You for Your power! I thank You for Your willingness to step into my weak places and demonstrate that all real power is in You. When I am attacked today, Lord, and when I am afraid, please bring in Your power. And even when I forget this simple message - even if it's only minutes from now - please, Father, I ask that You would bring Your magnificence into view in ways that will surprise, astound and humble me. For You are the Lord of ALL, and Your power is brought to fullness in the cracks within my armor. Thank You, Lord, for taking care of me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak death to the lies of the enemy. By the authority of Jesus the Messiah, I speak death to the spirits of fear and doubt. Lord, You are Power itself. May the metaphoric rocks and stones of my day cry out in recognition of Your amazing glory!

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