Sunday, December 7, 2008

Faith is the Opposite of Fear

I have been so blessed by God's choice to speak into my heart through the Holy Spirit. My theory is that He knows me so well, He knows that I do much better with a little time to get used to certain things before they actually come to pass. So, often, He gives me a little spiritual nudge inside that helps me to know what direction He's taking me. Trust me; it's an incredibly sweet concession on His part. I need the heads up!

To take it one step further, sometimes I feel Him speak firmly in my heart, and every now and then, the things He speaks about and the things I feel myself to hear are so concrete, direct and clear. He promises me things; He reminds me of His promises, and most frequently, He just re-speaks His Word into my soul.

There have been many times - often when I feel gripped with fear or doubt -that I will hear this word from Him in my heart. My soul immediately relaxes, fear is released and I am free again in the arms of the Prince of Peace. Now, please let me be clear. These occurrences don't happen on every topic; they're not every day moments and neither can I order them up at will! It's all about Him and His timing!

That said, I do have a couple areas in my life in which I've heard this clear promise of the Lord that are still "current" areas for me. Just last night, in fact, I was finding myself feeling fearful again about an area in which He's promised me, really promised that He was going to follow through. I lifted the area up to Him, and slept peacefully last night, but felt myself under attack again upon waking today.

Then I saw this verse in my morning quiet time: "He said to his disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'" Mark 4:40 (NIV), and I was reminded of a saying I've heard many times. That fear is the opposite of faith. And by that same token, faith is the opposite of fear.

When I find myself feeling fearful, I am reminded that my fear - always - is a demonstration of my own unbelief and lack of faith in a God who breathed all of creation into existence. This couldn't be more true than when I feel doubtful about whether or not the enemy will overpower me in a situation in which He's already promised me victory. I hear this question of Jesus and my heart feels deep conviction. Just last night in church I was praising the Lord for all He's done in my life. If there was ever an example of His re-creating and restoration, I am it. He has, and truly does continue to work in my life in miraculous ways. And that's not a word I use lightly.

I could waste time and energy wondering how it is that I can find doubt in my heart? I can berate and chastise myself for my faithlessness and unbelief. However, I believe a more productive (and more Biblical) response is to instead simply confess my unbelief, and immediately turn from it. I have wondered many times how it is that I am supposed to believe God if and when I don't feel like I trust Him. And frankly, I've felt untrusting of Him many, many times. Not because of who He is, but because of me and the impacts of living in a fallen world.

The answer? And please bear with me as I share this; I feel as if I am only beginning to really "get it" in my own life. But the answer I'm starting to grasp is that it's simply a matter of choice. Repentance, in its simplest form, is turning around and going the other direction, right? I have a visual image in my mind of our pastor walking to one end of the stage, stopping in his tracks and turning 180 degrees to walk decisively in the other direction. This was his word picture for us of repentance. It's simply choosing to pursue a different route.

I can repent in this same way of my unfaithfulness and unbelief. As my mind (along with the help of Satan) is tempted to conjure up scary scenarios and possible future pitfalls, I need to take captive those thoughts, call on the powerful love of the MOST Powerful One, and then choose to think something different.

Frankly, it may not always "take" that my feelings are immediately changed. That anxiety and fear sometimes lingers as a feeling. However, what I'm realizing in my own life is that it isn't about feeling like I can believe a certain thing consciously and then letting the thoughts and beliefs flow from that feeling. I think that's the approach the world teaches. Rather, it's the exact opposite. I need to intentionally take captive my thoughts, choose to believe Him and the feelings of belief and trust flow from there. I've heard it said this way: "act as if." If I don't feel trusting, I need to act as if I do. And believe me, my thoughts are just as much "action" as running a marathon. I can't choose my first thought, but I can make conscious decisions about which paths of thought I nurture and pursue. Absolutely, I can!

And from that act - that step or leap of faith, if you will - I close the door on Satan's foothold in my heart, and make room for Truth and Light to enter. And once they enter, I continue to nurture them (thank You, Lord, that I have Your word to feed on and little watering can for my garden of belief!). The more they're nurtured, the more they grow and bloom. My feelings (which are so transient and untrustworthy, friends!) are simply the fragrance that reflects what's growing in my garden. When I plant seeds of Him and work at tending that flower, I find I feel more and more trusting. I can also choose to do the exact opposite.

Lord, oh Lord... You see the unbelief and fear in my heart. I confess my lack of faith; I confess my doubt and mistrust. You have spoken great words of life into this world, and even specifically into my heart. Please forgive me for doubting You, for doubting Your intentions, for doubting Your power and grace. Help me to recognize the thoughts of doubt at their onset and to pray and battle against them with Your strength. He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. Praise You, Lord! In the authority of Your Son, I speak death to the fear and doubt the enemy tries to harvest in me. I affirm that You, Lord of All, are good and faithful and that Your loving benevolence for me never changes nor fades. Help me to turn resolutely away from the lies of the enemy; Help me to embrace truth and to let Your Word live in me richly. Help me to feed from Your truth, and I thank You in advance for the fruits of glory You will grow in response. May it bring You much joy, my Lord. I love You! Thank You for loving me and never giving up on me!

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