Monday, August 10, 2009

What Brings Him Glory

Sometimes, for me, it's easy to let the way "the world" thinks clog up my brain. It just kinda junks things up sometimes, and I have to remind myself to stay rooted & founded in the way that the Bible teaches me to approach the world around me, my own internal life and so much more.

One area in which this often comes up for me is in relating to others who are not believers, especially when they may be going through a hard time in their lives. For example, let's pretend I have a friend who is struggling financially. My imaginary friend's finances are in complete disarray, and her stress level is through the roof. If she's like most people, she hasn't frittered it away on anything particular; she's not a gambler or something dramatic like that. She just hasn't made great choices - again and again. (I can relate; this has, in my past, been an easy area for me to be sloppy in!)

Well, in my own life, my finances are stable and my heart is at peace around the topic of money. Sure, there are things I would love to be able to afford, but I don't worry about them or long for them in my heart. Instead, I rest contented, knowing I'm being taken care of, and stable because I've been a good steward of what He's given me. I've followed Biblical precepts and tithed faithfully for several years now. I'm in a good place.

So, here's where it can get tricky for me. And maybe this is only me! But, sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't say anything about that area of my life with my friend. Especially when something positive happens for me: an unexpected bonus at work, a tax refund larger than I'd expected, etc. I feel like it is "bragging" or rubbing it in her face.

Well, of course, there is a way to approach any positive thing in our lives that's gloating and boasting, and that is always to be avoided. But, there are also ways of sharing that are either just sharing the facts of what's new in life or giving praise to God for His goodness, providence and favor.

Sometimes, I have to admit, I might just keep my mouth shut around this particular friend. Why? Well, I guess my best answer is that "I don't want her to feel bad." Well, I read something that caught my attention anew the other day, and I felt a nudge from the Spirit saying that this was applicable in this way. I felt a realization & reminder that false humility is no better than arrogance and boasting.

Jesus said this:
"[It] is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:8 (NIV)

I found this to be such good and simple instruction. Of course (!), delivery is 99% of the issue. But, sharing with a humble heart and a kind spirit, I can show that the path of living that follows after the heart of Jesus and the will of God is not only good because He commands it, but also because in bearing much fruit (a natural by-product of living His way), I bring glory to Him!

I took a Bible study once that walked through a multitude of instances in the Bible in which God's glory is described as present in the situation, scenario or setting. The Bible teacher's conclusion, which I found to be very credible, was that God's glory is largely the way He makes Himself recognizable. So, with that context, consider what Jesus is saying. By showing myself as His disciple, and bearing much fruit, it's one of the ways God shows Himself to be present and to be who He is.

Well, of course this is a good thing! And, perhaps, most especially in the lives of those who are struggling! For myself, personally, I find that it is seldom the best approach to say, "Well, my life is great because I follow Jesus and found freedom and peace. You should try it!" So far, I haven't found myself in many (any?) situations in which I found that to be my most effective approach to witnessing. However, I have had times in my life where others have taken note of my joy, my peace and even my prosperity (in one manner of speaking or another). And when they inquire, I have one of the best opportunities for witnessing about His love & sacrifice that I could ever ask for!

So, just remember, a humble heart must be a precursor, yes. But, His faithfulness begets the fruit in our lives and to live this out loud brings Glory to HIM!

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