Sunday, August 23, 2009

His Way

When we hurt, He comforts us.

When we are weary, He lifts us up and is our strength.

When we are lost, He guides our feet. In Him, with Him, we are found.

These are the promises of God...or at least a few of them. What He doesn't promise is to make all the uncomfortable feelings of hurting disappear. He doesn't say that we will never feel tired; just that, when we are tired, He will renew us if we lean on Him. He will guide our paths, yes, but He doesn't promise to provide a map with all the previews.

I know that when I ask God to help me surrender, He is there. He hears me. He helps. He begins helping before I even know I need to ask, and He is faithful to provide. What He might not always do is immediately dissolve any of my own willful nature. He may not wipe away every vestige of my awareness of my way. And, really, this makes sense. How could I choose to come along His way if I was unaware of a way of my own design?

He loves us enough to not to get in the way of the process He created for us...or maybe it's the process for which we were created. Either way, He is here in our lesser moments...but He doesn't necessary rocket us out of them. Like that "Footprints" poem? He carries the poem's subject, but they're still trudging along that long beach, right? Sometimes, I think that turning to Him means I am to be whisked away from the beach - it's sandy grime merely a vague memory. But that's not His way. And that's the key in all of this, isn't it? I think that's really what it's all about.

So, here I am, Lord. Impatient, willful, of this world in so many ways... and I need You. I need You, and I am desperately aware of my need, of my lack, of my incompleteness on my own. So, here I am. I choose You. And I will walk the path, even though I want desperately to avoid it altogether some days. Your way, Your will. I'm coming Your way, Lord. Thanks for being here beside me, not only comforting me with Your companionship and love, but leading me, and lifting me up when I tire. I couldn't do it any other way, and yet this is the thing for which I was created. So, here I am. I'm coming Your way.

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