Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something to Say

Sitting in worship today, I got the inspiration I'd been praying for today. Some days are easier than others when it comes to finding topics for my writing here; I don't want this to be a place where I write about the things I think are worth addressing. I want to write about His topics. Lately, it's felt a little dry for me; so, I've been praying.

And today, we have a topic given, I believe, by God. I'm tempted to put this out there, just as He spoke it, and then let it be complete in that. I don't think that's what's intended, but it may be enough in and of itself to compromise a complete message on its own.

So, is that enough build up for you? Okay, here it is:

The Spirit is on the move.

I'm going to keep my commentary on this topic short for today, and pick it up again tomorrow... but until then, I want to just encourage you to let that sink in.

The Spirit is on the move.

In you. In your life. In the hearts of those you love. He is doing something.

And I don't mean all this in generic "God's always doing something" kind of way. I believe whole-heartedly that this is a word for someone who is reading this. I think it was for me, and I hope it is for you too. Isn't it great that God isn't limited and can speak to ALL of us at the same time? All with 6 simple words. But, please, stop. Listen. Close your eyes and open your heart. He is talking to you.

The Spirit is on the move.

Praise God. Right? I mean it. The Spirit is active and working in that place, in that situation. You know which one He means. You know. He knows. He's here. He's watching. And not from the sidelines. Keep stepping out of the way, and know that HE (the Almighty Maker of creation!) is working. The Spirit is on the move.

Receive it, please. He's speaking to YOU.

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