Friday, August 7, 2009

He Loves You

I had the privilege of listening to some great women talk tonight about the ways in which God had changed their lives. One theme that struck my heart was focused on all the ways in which God chases after us - no matter who we are or what we do.

I know I had times in my own journey during which I didn't know how to answer the Lord's calls, and I still had so much mistrust of Him that our relationship wasn't in a good place. I ran from Him - again and again. Even in times when I longed for His touch, I ran. Yet, He still pursued me.

I am so grateful today for a Lord who loves me enough to chase after my heart, to draw me with cords of kindness and to offer me grace, in spite of all my imperfection and humanity. Thank You, Lord! Today I honor Your loving name!

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