Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Not a Word

There's a verse that came my way, by God's grace, that I just had to share with you all:

“Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” Joshua 21:45

There are SO many wonderful absolute words in that verse. "Not a word." I just love to meditate on that thought...of all the good things the Lord had spoken to His people, not a word failed. None failed. His word? His promises? Not a single failure. Absolute faithfulness, absolute follow through, absolute completion of His intent. Not a word.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

Ah, I love it! You too? He speaks to us - in written Scripture, through movements of the Spirit, and in a multitude of other ways. Our God has a direct and clear line to our very souls. And when He speaks, it is done. Consider His language here: It will not (return void). It will accomplish. And it will achieve His purposes. These aren't wishy-washy statements. They are the very word of God. His word swirled life into existence and the world into being. His breath brought us our vitality and life.

And here, in the the Isaiah verse, we are reminded of how it works, just in general. He says so, and it happens. But, as further testimony, we're given the evidence in Joshua: Not a word. And, just as beautiful, "All came to pass." All. All. All.

I don't know about you, but I definitely need to let that word sink in.

The way we talk, in general, is in huge sweeping generalizations. It's part of our culture. "Everybody thought it was great" or "All the stores were so busy" or "I never say that" or "She always is smiling." We use absolute language so frivolously. But this isn't a random person living in 2009; this is the Lord of All, and you can bet that His words are carefully chosen and drop more weight in their very speaking than either you or I could ever possess in all of our person. The Word says more in these simple phrases "All came to pass" and "Not a word failed" than I could ever hope to say in my lifetime...and believe me, I'm a talker!

All came to pass. Not a word failed. His word will not return empty. Count on these things, believe them! Let them dwell in your richly! This is TRUTH friends! Truth!!! Hallelujah!

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