Monday, August 24, 2009

Asked & Answered

I have to remember that in multiple instances, the Bible tells us that all we really need to do is to ask, and then to receive. I find that I am better (a lot better sometimes) at the asking than I am at the receiving... and I do believe that they're two distinct actions, both requiring a measure of willingness and intent.

I can ask and ask, but if I never stop and receive the good that the word tells is already being done on our behalf, I will just keep asking. Truth be told, I do that a lot.

So, today, I'm focusing on receiving His promises, and in the act of reception, thanking Him for using them and using me to bring Glory to Him. I know He has an infinite number of ways in which He can and does use a willing heart, but I am prone to thinking that receiving His gifts and His presence is a precursor to many of them

Keep me focused today, Lord. And help me remember to receive and give thanks!

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