Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shining His Light

Today is a day in which I'll have a unique opportunity. I'll be around family - mine and my boyfriend's - for the entirety of the day. Some of them are believers; some of them are not, especially on my side of things. The verse that jumps out to me this morning speaks directly to the opportunity my boyfriend pointed out to me last night: to be His light in their Thanksgiving day.

"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV).

As I was going through some tough seeking years in college, I came up with a very short mental list of the people who seemed to have the kind of life I wanted. There weren't many on this short list, but they were all people who had what I called "the thing." Their faces glowed in a special way; their hearts seemed bigger than most. In those years, it was somewhat of a shock for me to realize the other thing they all had in common: they all had active, involved and thriving relationships with the Lord. Not a one of them ever had to witness to me with words, or speak to me about what was missing in my life. That much I knew. They just showed up in their lives - each day - and let the light of the glory of God shine through them.

It drew me in.

I have an uncle who said once that he thinks a lot of our job as followers of Jesus is to act as a prism. God's light shines into us, and by the power of the Spirit, we can reflect it and let all the amazing shades and colors spread out into our world.

I'm a firm believer that focusing on the things for which I'm grateful cultivates sincere gratitude. It's going to be a busy day for me, but I am going to take the time to thank the Lord for all the amazing gifts (unreasoned grace and astounding blessed favor!) He's bestowed upon me. And I will pray, in earnest, that His Spirit will not only fill me, but also be evident in me today. That I may step into any room today and have "the thing" in a way that makes people wonder about my Jesus.

I praise Your holy name, Lord. For You are above all things; thank You, thank You, thank You for the gifts of love and favor You pour out in my life every single day. I love You! Amen.

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