Monday, November 24, 2008

Quick Obedience

As I think I've shared before, I was blessed to hear someone once talking about he & his wife remind their children to "be quick to obey." That really went to my heart, and I have tried to keep that mantra as my own when it comes to listening to my Heavenly Father.

In Luke 11:28, Jesus says, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it" (NIV).

Today is the first day of a 40 day commitment I've made to the Lord. I feel like He's been asking me to set aside the first portion of each day for Him, and to really make it my first priority. I have been fairly consistent in having a regular morning quiet time with the Lord, but I am not 100%, and often, that time becomes abbreviated - mostly because I sleep longer than I'd originally intended.

So, for 40 days, I'm going to make my time with Him my top priority for the day. If I sleep in later, then I'm late to work. I think the amount of time is probably unimportant, but I prayed about it, and I felt like He suggested 2o-30 minutes for me each morning. And so, here I am. I am excited to see what God has in store for me during this period of time. I felt like His initial point was just that it would have an impact on my life. I am sure it will; He always does!

The point is this. My alarm went off 4 1/2 hours after I went to sleep last night. I am tired, and definitely wouldn't have minded some more sleep. However, I am listening, hearing and following through on the instructions I've received from Him, and that's why I'm here at 6 o'clock on a sleepy Monday morning. Blessed are those who obey. I think that's a fair paraphrase. I will continue in my striving for obedience, and quick obedience at that.

I'm guessing that anyone out there reading this will be kept up to speed on the impact these 40 days have on my life; this is a natural place for that to show up. We shall see, however, and we shall see together!

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