Tuesday, November 11, 2008

By Faith...

One of my favorite verses that has, at various points in time, meant many things to me is from Hebrews 11, the chapter sometimes referred to as the Halls of Faith chapter:

"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going" Heb 11:8 (NIV).

Sometimes, as with Abraham, we're called to move forward, to go out into a place and yet, we do not know where it is that we are going. It only takes me a few moments to come up with a list of areas like this in my own life. We all have areas like this. What path am I meant to take in my career? What is the next right step in my relationship? How am I meant to best pursue my relationship with God today? In what ways would my time be of best use to the Lord? How will this issue resolve? Sometimes, we just can't see it. Sometimes we think we can, but often we end up somewhere other than where we thought we were going in the first place. In my own life, I've noticed that this is particularly prone to happen when I let God lead. :)

There are areas in which we simply cannot stand still; there are areas in which we do not want to stop moving. And truly, sometimes, the direction we get is to stand still. When it's not, however, sometimes it can be terrifying...at least it is for me! I have a couple big areas that come to mind; areas in which I am certain I am being drawn forth, sent out, called ahead... and yet, called to what? Sent where? Drawn in which way? I don't know. My not-knowing doesn't change the fact that I know I'm being nudged. The Lord doesn't usually get out a megaphone and shout it in my ear, but as I learn to yield more and more to His voice, I hear that still small voice with more and more clarity. "Go." "Come." "Yes."

So, I acknowledge my fear. I pray for help, and I ask for constant reminders of His faithfulness. I read His word and learn of all the encouraging promises He gives to us. One of my favorites, especially in this particular regard, is Isaiah 30:21. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it' (NIV). He leads the way, especially when I yield control and let Him! And His paths are straight. He will go before us and shield our ways. (Praise God!)

My job is to step forward. To do the best I can, and to trust. To walk by faith, you might say. And as I do so, I will remember, it is by this method (by faith) that Abraham went out and, in the process, found the place he would later receive as his inheritance. My heart leaps forward at the thought; that for which the Lord has destined me is only a step of faith away. Knowing where I am going isn't required; that's on God's list of things to cover. And He is always faithful and fully competent in His care of me.

So, I'll step out today. And, I pray, each day a little more. I will pray for you, and challenge you to do the same! A journey walked by faith, and not by sight, is like every other journey; it starts with a single step.

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