Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hope in Him

One thing I've learned in some of my word studies is that the words translated as "hope" in the Bible have a meaning quite different from the way you & I use the word hope. Whereas general conversation these days uses hope to express something that we think could happen, that we would like to have happen, the Biblical word hope expresses something far more powerful.

The words imply expectation, not just wishful thinking.

This morning's verse for my heart is this: "But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God" Psalms 146:5 (NLT).

I'll take the word study one step further here. The word translated here into "joyful" is a word that translates more literally to "blessed" and indicates the fullness of heart that comes when God bestows His complete favor upon a person; it indicates a state of prosperity and big picture good, not just the passing mood of pleasant feelings.

So, what can I learn from this today? When I expect God to help me, to take care of me, to fight for me, to protect me and to be my Lord...when I expect Him to do these things with a hopeful expectation, not just an "it could go either way" kind of hope, I am available for His blessing. I am available for God to come into my heart, into my life and into my day in a way that will sustain me, will satisfy and prosper me. I am open to receiving what it is that He wants to give.

I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that I open myself up for His will.

So...if like me, you find yourself struggling with fears or doubts or insecurities (the spiritual equivalent of a door cracked open just enough for Satan to slip in and generate his particular brand of havoc), remember the assurances of our God. Put your hope in Him, your full and ardent expectation. And if that seems impossible to do with sincerity, pray for His help in bringing your heart farther down the path (His role as helper is another important one in this verse!). Once again, part of my prayer today will be help with my unbelief and the ability to yield!

Be blessed today, my friends; the first and simplest step is putting your hope in Him!

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