Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Old Stuff

It seems the Lord is running with a theme of new insight into familiar passages with me these days. I've had another "a ha" moment while reflecting on a scripture that's probably familiar to many of us:

"Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (MSG).

It's a passage about new life.... I must share that my own tendency has been to think of this in very simple terms. We get a "do-over" with God. The slate is clean and we start fresh in His eyes. Or, at least, that's the way in which I've thought of it for the most part. I've thought that it indicated change, and starting from a new foundation - and, of course, it does, but what I haven't really pondered ever is all that can be included in that. New life means all of it. Every single element of my life

This verse affirms for us that we are given the gift of ultimate liberty. Not that it isn't the "ultimate" gift, but this verse extends far beyond eternal salvation. This reminds me that I can let go of my old beliefs - about the world, about God even... and especially, about myself. I can release my old and existing fears. Friends, there are so many fears that cycle through my thinking; so many familiar voices trying to get a spot on the main stage. This verse fortifies me as I allow rebuke the enemy in His name.

I am made new in His. Hallelujah, but more than only that, my life is made new. In her study about the fruit of the spirit, Beth Moore talks about how God doesn't just want to change our lives; He wants to change our days. Amen! By that same token, He isn't only a God of eternal salvation. Don't get me wrong; He is that... but, please hear my heart when I say that He is also SO MUCH MORE. And there is more!

I think sometimes we "in the church" feel pressured to concern ourselves only with the heavenly things. The things of eternal vision are important, the most important. And, my daily life is on my radar too; I'd be lying if I tried to pretend otherwise. And I don't think that it makes me less set-apart or Godly minded to acknowledge that. Our lives on earth are a large part of our current experience. Praise God that it's not the limit of our experience... but it is still part of my today!

Jesus was concerned with the heavenly, of course. He was also concerned in intimate ways with the daily. Bless His loving heart for just that! So, for me today, I'm letting this verse soak into me beyond the eternal. I'm remembering that not only am I not bound to this earth in the larger sense, but I am no longer bound to the fears and failures of yesterday - even the tiny ones. I am a new creation. God, help me not to limit what that really means.

Friends, He's the One who dreamed the earth and everything in it into existence. Let Him re-create You in ways that are just as profound; it's part of the gift!

Love you, Lord! You are SO good!

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