Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hissy Fit

So, I had to have another hissy fit at God this weekend. I found myself just so, so frustrated! I basically interrupted another conversation so I could go have a little "discussion" with my God and King.

It's hard sometimes to remember that, although He IS Lord of all creation, it is okay for me to come to Him with openness and frankness. I can speak to him with deference and respect, but also express that I'm angry and frustrated and feeling cranky.

The wonderful thing about sharing with the Lord is that somehow, by the amazing power of His grace, it changes me. Sure, my prayer my start out with my underlying message being that I would like to change GOD, but I usually end such prayers with a new heart for submission and Biblical gentleness, knowing that, instead, I need to let Him change me.

His ways are perfect; His ways are just. He is working for my greater good; He is working for your greater good. He has all things under His control, and He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. The righteous will live by faith, and He will not disappoint.

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