Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful for the Lies

I found myself praying a strange prayer this morning. This last week has come with many attacks from the enemy; I've heard lies in my head, and have had to fight hard to remember that the truth lies in Christ, not in this fallen world and the words of the liar.

So, as I was reflecting on this and praying about it, I heard myself telling God that, as strange as it may seem, I was grateful - in a way - for the lies. Not only am I grateful for the ability to see the attacks for what they are, but also that I have the chance to fight against them. I've called on scripture, the power of the name of Jesus, and simply the love of God many times in the last week or so...and, of course, He never fails me.

More so, these challenges of deception have forced me to dig back into some basic truths as a reminder and as reinforcements. And in digging into these these, I've found myself rooted in God's strength. Furthermore, some of my feelings that have reared up in response to his teasing have really challenged me to look at the root causes. I've unearthed unknown and unsuspected pockets of pride, of fear and even rebellion...all in the last week! And as these impurities get brought up to the surface, I know the Refiner skims away the dross, and I am more able to shine my light for His glory. So, I found myself thinking about this scripture, and being thankful for this little span of trials.

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." James 1:2-3 (NKJV)

And more than gratitude for the trials, I find myself grateful for a God who works all things together for the good, for my good...and for your good. My challenge to myself, especially in this coming week, is to look upon ALL of it as good...not because Satan's lies are good, and not because the discomfort feels good...but because GOD is good, and I have the option to put it all in His caring and capable hands. With that perspective, there is little to see on the landscape without also being grateful for His hand at work!

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