Wednesday, October 7, 2009


In principle, I'm not a fan of randomly plucking a verse from scripture and crafting a "point" around it for my own purposes. If I am learning anything as I grow in my study of the word, it's that "Context is king!" (thanks, Pastor Tom!)

That said, I do want to throw out a verse that, although part of a more specific context for the original writing and reception, does have general application in our lives as believers today.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

Sometimes it's easy for me to get bogged down in the pressures of life, or to be discouraged by either failures or the simple frequency with which the world around me (or within me!) doesn't live up to my expectations. It happens. In fact, in some seasons, it happens a lot.

I am learning to appreciate anew, however, the difference a little encouragement can make. And, like many other acts of service, I find that I am even more encouraged when I take the time to thoughtfully encourage another.

I have a new accountability partner, and she & I are sharing emails back and forth each day about some of our own personal goals of growth and development for ourselves. Earlier today, I set aside just a few moments to be truly thoughtful about response to her. After reading her email and being sensitive to the nudging of the Spirit, I felt like I needed to put a little more thought and pause into my email to her than I might on a normal day.

And I am so glad I did! She probably hasn't even read the email yet, but I am feeling great! :)

My sincere hope, of course, is that she finds my words to be encouraging and uplifting. I hope she feels a bit lighter and even more hopeful as a result. But, the bonus outcome that I wasn't expecting was that I feel better too! By taking the time to encourage her in truth, I was reminding myself of those same truths! And it serves to further reinforce my faith that God is faithful, and that He does work all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose! (see Romans 8:28)

So, I encourage each of you to take the time today, with a spirit of service, to truly speak to someone's heart around you and do your best to encourage them. Don't worry about whether or not you say the "right" thing, and definitely don't worry about the outcome! Those things are in God's hands. Just show up and do the best you can; then believe Him for His purposes in it. And then, sit back and give thanks to Him for the encouragement your own heart is guaranteed to feel!

I marvel again and again at the way our Lord designed us... we are blessed to be a blessing, yes... but to also be blessed by our own acts of service? Well, it's flawless design! I'm sure of that!

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