Saturday, August 15, 2009


I was feeling sad last night. It wasn't anything "big," but just missing someone and feeling sad. I had some good time with God in the midst of my sadness, and He reminded me of an important fact. Loving God, keeping my eyes focused on Him and finding joy in Him do not exclude me having my feelings. God created those too.

So, rather than beat up on myself and tell myself that if I were really seeking God, I wouldn't ever be sad (what a lie from the enemy that is!), I was reminded that I can feel my feelings AND still leave the reigns in God's hands.

So, as I was feeling sad and praying, I asked Him to just comfort me. And I felt like His encouragement was simply to take refuge in Him. I imagine a craggy cliff, and finding a little nook of His warmth in which to tuck myself away. I snuggled into that nook, and just felt His presence. I still felt sad for a little while, but it was just sadness...not a depth of sorrow, not soul crushing ache. Just sad. And that was okay.

I am so grateful that we have a God who not only allows us to feel, but will sit with us while we do. I celebrate that in Him today!

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