Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Skimming of the Dross

The Word for me this morning talked about not being discouraged by trials, or by struggles. This was especially timely.

I have a certain area in my life in which, for years, I have been aware of as a place where I am often not at my best. It's a great door-in for the enemy, and has very slowly been losing its place of prominence as a stronghold of his unholy work. In the last year, especially, the Lord has been working in dramatic ways in this area. And most recently, I feel that He's told me let go and trust Him more fully. You see, I've been hanging onto this particular "flaw" or shortcoming with an iron fist, monitoring it closely to try to keep myself in check.

I'd been feeling the last couple weeks more and more tangible freedom in this area; I am moving toward true release of this trait into His capable hands. And then yesterday happened. I went to bed last night thinking that the day hadn't gone as well as I'd have liked in regard to this tendency of mine. It wasn't awful by any means, but it wasn't great... and it most certainly was being held and fondled and carried about in my little hands. And, truthfully, I was sort of disappointed. I struggle with knowing how to understand days like that. If God is working on release in me, on true freedom, then what am I to do with a day where I feel again like I'm wearing the yoke of this very human imperfection?

Then this morning happened... "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Heb 12:11 (NIV)"
Ahhhhhhh. That verse is like a sigh of relief within my very spirit! I can remember that all can be used by the Lord of All for good. I've heard it put this way: "God never wastes a hurt." AMEN! And praise Him for it!!!

So, I can receive yesterday as discipline. And as it is, early this morning, I don't really "get it" yet, BUT I can believe the Lord for His instruction and training. He has long been, and continues to be a very, very gracious and talented Tutor in my life. And, His Word says that it will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace in me! Extra bonus!

So, my prayer this morning will confess my discouragement and doubt - such effective tools the enemy tried to use on me. But, for today, he gets not a foothold through my own imperfection. Today, I will ask the Lord for His training, and trust that He will reveal whatever it is that I am meant to learn. Thank You, Father, for Your ETERNAL goodness, faithfulness and love. There is no one like You!

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