Saturday, November 29, 2008


I've been praying a lot about my job lately. I've had a hard time feeling really engaged in it, and although I've been working and accomplishing tasks, my head hasn't really been in the game. Actually, to be more accurate, I should say that my heart hasn't been in it.

I've been asking God to help redirect me. If I'm meant to move on (which I don't believe is the case at this point), I've asked for that guidance. In the immediate, too, I've just asked for a renewal of mind and a change of heart so that I can show up each day and work in peace for Him.

This morning, this verse caught my attention and my heart immediately went to the topic of my job: "Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" Matt 7:20 (NIV).

Each day I show up at work, I have the opportunity to be a witness. I absolutely pray that others might look at me and think, "there's something different about the way she works" or something like that. I want who I am, and the way I live - even in the context of corporate America - to be recognizably His. I'm not sure of what Monday will bring, and honestly, I'm trying to just stay in Saturday for now. But, regardless of what His plan is for my week, I pray for the ability to focus on Him and bearing fruit that speaks of His loving nature and grace. In that, I know my week will have purpose that will overflow into peace and efficiency. And, in that, there's simply more fruit to show.

Your will, not mine, Lord.

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