Monday, June 15, 2009


There's a saying I once heard that I think is very wise, and very true; it goes like this:

Commitment isn't waking up and feeling like it every day; commitment is waking up and doing it, even on the days when you don't feel like it at all.

I remind myself of this with some regularity, especially when it comes to obedience and my relationship with Jesus. I'm sure we've all experienced times where God's presence in our lives feels so huge and poignant. There are days when just waking up and breathing in makes me feel more alive in Him and closer to His heart.

Likewise, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced days (or longer periods) where it doesn't feel like He's close at all. In fact, I have times during which even prayer times and worship times feel mostly like going through the motions.

In light of that, I am so grateful that my feelings are far from an absolute representation of truth. God's word tells me that He is always with me, and that when I draw near to Him, He draws near to me. I know His truth that He is working in me, and that His word is alive and active in me, regardless of whether or not I feel it. In turn, I take great comfort in knowing, too, that my obedience and my worship are pleasing to Him, regardless of how I feel. I may be sincere in my praise, and that matters most. I may not have an emotional swell of gratitude right in the moment, and that, I've learned, is far less important.

So, I commit this day to You, oh Lord. I will be grateful and joyful if my emotions feel your presence, and feel my connection to You throughout my waking hours. I admit, sometimes, that helps me "feel like it." However, Lord, I will sing Your praises and obey Your leading regardless of how I feel, and I thank You that You are with me through all. You are good, Lord! Thank You for the opportunity to live in service to You today!

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