Saturday, May 23, 2009


"Here in your presence, we are undone..."

These are the lyrics to a worship song that I've been falling in love with lately.

And I was thinking today about what that statement really means. In His presence, because of Him, and when I draw near to Him, I am undone. And, you know, when I think about it, it's more than evident to me that I need undoing like I need little else. I need Him to undo my pride, undo my fear, undo my doubt, undo my self-seeking, my self-sufficiency and my willful resistance to His ways.

The quote from this lyric speaks the heart of scripture so truly. It is when I put myself, my heart and my very being into His presence, yielded to His spirit, that I can be undone. Undone by Him, undone by His love, undone by His grace. As I said, there's little I think I need more. So, as a reminder to myself, I will challenge you to make sure to take time - every day...every day - to be in His presence, and be open to (and inviting of) His undoing of you. You need it, just like I do. We all do.

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